Thanks: The Goal Of The Anger Principle
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The Goal Of The Anger Principle Video
Managing Anger and Fear in Chicago Schools: A Principal's PerspectiveThe two are constitutive of one another in a dialectical relationship: practice guided by a theory that will necessarily be rethought in light of the outcomes of this practice. This victory comes at a tremendous cost: the defeat of an incipient counter-hegemonic movement which embryonically expressed demands for an alternative future to capitalism. Even after the collective utterance of anger against police brutality and the nascent realization of the structural violence of capitalism, the electoral mechanisms of the American bourgeoisie state have been successful in thwarting the full-blown development of a distinctively socialist campaign.

Following the ideological mutilation of massive protests against an inherently exploitative system, Americans have been rewarded Angdr Biden — a dyed-in-the-wool bourgeoisie politician who once opposed de-segregation, Goaal on police to shoot Black Lives Matter demonstrators in the leg, rejected the smallest of concessions to the working class, vehemently supported imperialist wars and refused to commit to even the minimal reforms of the Green New The Goal Of The Anger Principle.
Reformism The overwhelming de-activation of revolutionary militancy in USA can be traced to certain theoretico-practical problems relating to the formation of socialist strategy. These issues and impediments have been historically constituted as a result of continual errors regarding political premises and form a consistent backdrop against which progressive projects in America have taken place. Among the multiple components which form the foundations for such an incorrect political paradigm, reformism is perhaps the most dominant, subordinating social struggles to its own theoretical dictates. At the most general level, reformism consists in a defeatist politics of uncritical surrender to the contingencies of existing conditions.
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Instead of acting as a driving force of history and impinging centrally upon the processes of social change, reformism crafts a type of politics which is wholly driven by historical forces. These attempts at gradually re-calibrating capitalism are made through the adoption of a crass electoral politics which is theoretically uninformed and fails to learn from actual experience. Reformism, therefore, is the fetishization of the institutions of bourgeoisie democracy, the dissociation of political practices from the changing correlation of forces in a specific conjuncture and the concomitant belief in a succession of gradual reforms, each posed as an end in itself.
The US Presidential Election can be regarded as a logical result of such a reformist policy which contributes directly The Goal Of The Anger Principle the electoral defanging of explosive class struggle. Considering the fact that an effervescent multi-racial rebellion took place in America just a few months before the election, it seems difficult to absorb the fact that progressives continued to preach the principle of the lesser of two evils.
Exam (elaborations)
One can locate the source of this continued support for a largely ineffective political view in the panorama of entrenched reformism in the US which failed to utilize the latent energy of extremely important protests and allowed them to peter out. Before the protests The Goal Of The Anger Principle, reformist organizations in USA unconditionally espoused an explicitly reformist orientation which — instead of enfolding present-day politics in the wider goal of revolution — chose to adapt Anher the existing situation, thus abjuring socialist ideals and counter-productively allying with mainstream ideologies.
When protests broke out, these reformist organizations were at a loss to understand the socio-historic dynamics of a newly emergent revolutionary agency which foregrounded radical demands and took care of the interests of the future within movement of the present. Unable to successfully interact with the revolutionary potentialities of the massive rebellion, reformists reverted back to their trivial tactical objectives by peddling the lesser of two evils principle.
When political organizations failed to transform click experiences from article source struggle into political tactics, the germinal class consciousness of the proletariat soon settled within Goak discursive region delimited by reformists. The Actuality of Revolution From the US Election, it is evident that the Left need to construct a re-vitalized project of socialist hegemony which does not succumb to the blunders of reformism.
In contradistinction Goall reformism, the equally unacceptable and unfruitful position of abstract and maximalist revolutionism has been presented, creating an impasse for the further advancement of revolutionary struggle. The Goal Of The Anger Principle reformism, it also avoids a direct contact with material conditions, rigidly overpowering the contextual specifities of shifting conditions with the universalism of theory.]

Very good message
You have hit the mark.