The Field Of Criminal Justice System Video
3.1.2 - Key concepts in the Victorian Criminal Justice SystemThe Field Of Criminal Justice System - sorry, does
Throughout the history of criminal justice , evolving forms of punishment , added rights for offenders and victims, and policing reforms have reflected changing customs , political ideals, and economic conditions. Primates often have notions of fairness and sharing, with violations punished by exclusion or banishment from social groups. In human history, prior to agriculture, more nomadic cultures had systems of punishment for behavior or resistance, including those developed by the Huns throughout Mongolia. With the development of agriculture, which led to more closely populated cities and cultures and behavior to address fears of persons taking advantage of or causing harm to others, more formal systems of punishment for crimes developed, independently around the world, or based upon other cultures, including those developed in the early Babylonian laws of Hammurabi and the Hammurabic Code. Law enforcement in Ancient China was carried out by "prefects". The notion of a "prefect" in China has existed for thousands of years. The Field Of Criminal Justice System.The purpose of this series is to engage practitioners and researchers in lifelong learning and to promote research to practice and practice to research.

New episodes will be released every two weeks. Please subscribe to receive our podcasts automatically, or come back on a regular basis for new content.
Or, copy and paste this URL:. In this episode, our guests Drs. Patricia Fiels and Mickey Sperlich describe their work exploring social work practice and our ability to decrease gun violence. With calls to "send in the Social Workers rather than the police" filling the national dialogue related to racial disparities in policing, our guests discuss why the Social Work profession might be best suited to prevent gun violence. Download MP3 In the second of a two-part podcast, our guest Dr. John Gallagher elaborates on the racial disparities his research is revealing related to drug court outcomes. He describes the four main themes he has identified via qualitative research with African-American drug court participants and recommendations for practice based on this work. Multipart - Get all parts currently Th.
In the first of a two-part podcast, Dr. John Gallagher discusses his teaching, practice and scholarly activity with drug courts and their outcomes. Beginning with an overview of drug courts and how they work, he introduces a The Field Of Criminal Justice System related to racial disparities in outcome studies that he will elaborate on in part two of this podcast. In this episode, our guest Dr. Elizabeth Allen discusses her experiences as a practitioner and Tue, exploring the unique needs of women involved in the correctional system and how to promote their successful reintegration into their families and communities. Allen describes the importance of not only focusing on women's individual resources but also accounting for the socio-political structural factors that must be addressed if women are to reconnect with their families and their communities of support. Audio The Field Of Criminal Justice System. Read Reviews 3. In this episode, our guests Dr.
Matthew Epperson and Dr. Carrie Pettus-Davis discuss their research and efforts to provide an alternative to the mass incarceration movement in the United States. Both are scholars and leaders of the Smart Decarceration Initiative, and they describe their mission and goals.

They argue that our current system Fiedl mass incarceration should be replaced with effective and sustainable alternatives that protect society as well as assist people who have committed crimes. In the United States, there are more than ten million criminal arrests The Field Of Criminal Justice System year. It is well known that many of those arrested also have a number of personal and environmental issues that not only shape their daily lives but can also be influential in their arrests and affect their defense and sentencing.
Roger Nooe of the Knox County Public Defender's Office discuss their program, which has social workers working in collaboration with public defense attorneys with the goal of producing better legal outcomes by addressing the psychosocial needs of their clients. Read Reviews 2.
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In this episode, Dr. Joseph Richardson and Dr. Christopher St. Vil discuss their use of a longitudinal, ethnographic study of young Black men admitted to the hospital for treatment of violent injury to inform development of a hospital-based violence intervention program. They also report on research that they have conducted to better understand nonfatal use of force by police. From the findings of these two studies, they offer specific recommendations that have implications for programs as well as policy. A report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics showed that from to the The Field Of Criminal Justice System of incarcerated mothers increased by a startling one hundred and thirty-one percent.
In this, Dr. Caroline Long Burry discusses a pilot study she conducted with these parents with the hope of better understanding their parenting experiences.
Also explored are the mothers' attempts to negotiate the criminal justice system while in their role as parents.]
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