The Effects of Population Density on the -

The Effects of Population Density on the

The Effects of Population Density on the Video

Why do some places have a greater population density than others? The Effects of Population Density on the

A high population density implies that the population is high relative to the size of the country.

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Countries, such as Belgium and the Netherlands have a high population density. Large countries, such as Australia and Canada have very low densities.

The Effects of Population Density on the

There is little correlation between population density and economic development. Bangladesh and Japan have similar population densities, both Japan has much higher real GDP per capita. Most countries have seen a very significant rise in population densities over the past two hundred years.

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This rise in population density has been consistent with rising living standards and a better quality of life. However, others are concerned that a rising global population density could lead to a strain on resources, leading to food shortages, congestion and loss of the environment. Source: Wikipedia. Victorian houses A high population density implies that the population is high relative to the size of the country. Benefits of a rising population density Economies of scale in national infrastructure. Urban areas tend to be more energy efficient. Rural areas have a higher per-capita energy composition. For example, in remote areas, people will read article to tne a long way to shops. In heavily populated urban areas, shops and facilities are likely to be within walking distance.

The Effects of Population Density on the

However, if you look at suburbs, the situation is different with higher incomes leading to more energy consumption without the density of close housing in urban areas. Urban areas also make efficient city-wide public transport networks more efficient. As population density rises, the city is almost forced to switch from cars to Poulation space efficient forms of transport, such The Effects of Population Density on the underground railway systems. Greater intellectual capital. Rising population leads to greater scope society will produce entrepreneurs and innovators, who come up with improved technology and business which helps to improve living standards.

Technology has mitigated the negative forecasts of many who feared rising population. Malthus predicted in the Nineteenth Century, a rising population would lead to food shortages. The population has risen considerably, but areas of high population density have not seen the food shortages because of improved yields from agriculture and the ability to trade food. Technology enables higher living standards with lower levels of population. For example, in the s, UK fEfects were often using coal fires to keep warm, leading to smogs and high levels of pollution in cities, but these smogs have been cleaned up. In theory, there is the scope for meeting energy needs from renewable energy, such as solar power. Source: London clean air Despite rising population, London has seen some improvement in air quality standards in past decades. Though it just click for source be noted O3 has been rising and air quality is still amongst the worst recorded in the UK.

The Effects of Population Density on the

Rising population creates demand for labour and increased supply. Some fear, a rise in population e. However, a rising population both increases supply of labour and creates new demand from higher economic growth. A fear of rising population density is that it requires a country to import food. However, the UK has been a net importer of food for many years, and apart from the blockades of the World wars has not seen any food shortages.]

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