The Effects Of Maternal Reflective Functioning On - consider, that
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The Effects Of Maternal Reflective Functioning On - opinion you
Maternal exposure to lipopolysaccharide LPS , a bacterial endotoxin produced during infection, leads to disruption in fetal brain development and causes newborn brain injury. Quercetin QR is a multipotent flavonoid that functions as an antioxidant and protects against inflammation and neurodegeneration. In this study, we explored the potential functions of QR in alleviating maternal LPS exposure induced fetal brain damage. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, apoptosis markers and oxidative stress indicators were evaluated. LPS enhanced pro-apoptotic Bax and inhibited anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 expression.Skip to search form Skip to main content You are currently offline.
Maternal pollutant exposure has lasting effect on lung function development in children with asthma
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In pregnancy, linoleic acid LAobtained from the maternal diet, is vital for fetal development. LA is metabolised into a number of fatty acid modulators that regulate the endocannabinoid system ECSand are key for normal metabolic homeostasis.

We are currently consuming elevated levels of LA in Western societies, including during pregnancy. Save to Library. Create Alert.
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View 1 excerpt, references background. Research Feed. Concentrations of docosahexaenoic acid are reduced in maternal liver, adipose, and heart in rats fed high-fat diets without docosahexaenoic acid throughout pregnancy. The ins and outs of maternal-fetal fatty acid metabolism. Maternal diet-induced obesity programmes cardiac dysfunction in male mice independently of post-weaning diet. Pregnancy-related changes in the maternal gut microbiota are dependent upon the mother's periconceptional diet.]

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