The Effects of a Mindfulness Based Stress -

The Effects of a Mindfulness Based Stress The Effects of a Mindfulness Based Stress The Effects of a Mindfulness Based Stress

Mindfulness-based stress reduction MBSR is an established program shown to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. MBSR is believed to alter emotional responding by modifying cognitive-affective processes. Given that social anxiety disorder SAD is characterized by emotional and attentional biases as well as distorted negative self-beliefs, we examined MBSR-related changes in the brain-behavior indices of emotional reactivity and regulation of negative self-beliefs in patients with SAD.

The Effects of a Mindfulness Based Stress

Sixteen patients underwent functional MRI while reacting to negative self-beliefs and while regulating negative emotions using 2 types of attention deployment emotion regulation-breath-focused attention and distraction-focused attention. Post-MBSR, 14 patients completed neuroimaging assessments. Compared with baseline, MBSR completers showed improvement in anxiety and depression symptoms and self-esteem.


During the breath-focused attention task but not the distraction-focused attention taskthey also showed a decreased negative emotion experience, b reduced amygdala activity, and c increased activity in brain regions implicated in attentional deployment. These changes might facilitate reduction in SAD-related avoidance behaviors, clinical symptoms, and automatic emotional reactivity to negative self-beliefs in adults with SAD.

The Effects of a Mindfulness Based Stress

Abstract Mindfulness-based stress reduction MBSR is an established program shown to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression.]

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