The Basic Principles Of Historiography Video
Why Study Historiography with Alan FordSpeak: The Basic Principles Of Historiography
The Basic Principles Of Historiography | 301 |
The Basic Principles Of Historiography | 796 |
UNIT 4 | 302 |
Scrum Definition
Classical elements typically refer to earthwaterairfireand later aetherwhich were proposed to explain the nature and complexity of all matter in terms of simpler substances. These different cultures and even individual philosophers had widely varying explanations concerning Principlrs attributes and how go here related to observable phenomena as well as cosmology. Sometimes these theories overlapped with mythology and were personified in deities. Some of these interpretations included atomism the idea The Basic Principles Of Historiography very small, indivisible portions of matterbut other interpretations considered the elements to be divisible into infinitely small pieces without changing their nature.
While the classification of the material world in ancient IndianHellenistic Egyptand ancient Greece into Air, Earth, Fire and Water was more philosophical, during the Islamic Golden Age medieval middle eastern scientists used practical, experimental observation to classify materials.
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Modern science does not support the classical elements as the material basis of the physical world. Atomic theory classifies atoms into more than a hundred chemical elements such as oxygenironand mercury. These elements form chemical compounds and mixturesand under different temperatures and pressures, these substances can adopt different states of matter. The most commonly observed states of solidliquidgasand plasma share many attributes with the classical elements of earth, water, air, and fire, respectively, but these states are due to similar behavior of different types of atoms at similar energy levels, and not due to containing a certain type of atom or a certain type of substance.
In Western thought, the four elements earthwaterairand fire as proposed by Empedocles 5th century BC frequently occur. For instance, Thales suggested in the 7th century BCE that water was the ultimate underlying substance from which everything is derived; Anaximenes The Basic Principles Of Historiography made a similar claim about air.

However, none before Empedocles proposed that matter could ultimately be composed of all four elements in different combinations of one another. In other Babylonian texts these phenomena are considered independent of their association with deities, [6] though they are not treated as the component elements of the universe, as later in Empedocles.
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The five elements are associated with the five senses, and act as the gross medium for the experience of sensations. The next higher element, water, has no odor but can be heard, felt, seen and tasted.

Next comes fire, which can be heard, felt and seen. Air can be heard and felt. In early Buddhism, the four elements are a basis for understanding suffering and for liberating oneself from suffering.

The four properties are cohesion watersolidity or inertia earthexpansion or vibration air and heat or energy content fire. The Chinese had a somewhat different series of elements, namely Fire, Earth, Metal literally goldWater and Wood, which were understood as different types read article energy in a state of constant interaction and flux with one another, rather than the Western notion of different kinds of material. Historians of science have noted a fundamental difference between Greek element theories and Chinese matter theories. In view of the durability of meteoric iron, metal came to be associated with the aether The Basic Principles Of Historiography, which is sometimes conflated with Stoic pneumaas both terms originally referred to air the former being higher, brighter, more fiery or celestial and the latter being merely warmer, and thus vital or biogenetic.]
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