The Argument Of Abortion On Abortion -

The Argument Of Abortion On Abortion The Argument Of Abortion On Abortion.

She was an extremely creative and insightful thinker who made important contributions to many areas of philosophy, especially ethics.

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Her article " A Defense of Abortion " is one of the most famous articles of the 20th Century, in part because of the clever, imaginative examples that she develops to illustrate the nature of the right to life. These examples all support the claim the observation? Her article is the basis for what is sometimes called a "bodily autonomy argument for abortion" but her arguments and insights are not as simple or simplistic as Task 3 critics and defenders sometimes make them out to be.

Likewise, her article is, in some ways, a foundation for the "my body, my choice" The Argument Of Abortion On Abortion but, again, people who say that typically are unaware of the subtlety and nuance and caution that Thomson gave the issues.

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The Wikipedia summary and discussion of the article is good, and here are links to find works that discuss her arguments in PhilPapers and Google Scholar. Please read the moving remembrances of her and grateful appreciations of her as a teacher and, well, just a person; some are being posted online. And here is our brief summary of her arguments from Thinking Critically About Abortion:. Post a Comment. Saturday, November 21, Judith Jarvis Thomson on abortion.

The Argument Of Abortion On Abortion

Finally, suppose much of the above is mistaken and that fetuses indeed are persons with the right to life. Some think that this clearly makes abortion wrong. You were kidnapped for this purpose.

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If you unplug, he will die. This discussion also suggests another definition of abortion:. Thomson, however, had other cases that partially address this type of concern: e. Labels: autonomyThomson.

The Argument Of Abortion On Abortion

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