Suu Kyi s Story Is One That -

Suu Kyi s Story Is One That - can

While much of the world has been fixated on the electoral drama in the U. For only the second time since it transitioned from a military dictatorship into a fledgling democracy in , voters in the South Asian country of Myanmar went to the polls to elect members of its parliament. Just as in the U. That may sound like a thriving democracy, but Myanmar, also known as Burma, has been anything but. Suu Kyi, the democracy advocate who spent 15 years under house arrest when Myanmar was ruled by a military junta, has been in some ways as authoritarian as her predecessors. She has overseen a government that has jailed student activists, protesters and journalists including two working for Reuters investigating the execution of 10 Rohingya men and boys. More than 1.

Suu Kyi s Story Is One That Video

The Rise and Fall of Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi Explained - NowThis World Suu Kyi s Story Is One That Suu Kyi s Story Is One That

When Daw Aung San Suu Kyi emerged from years of house arrest a decade ago, having never used a smartphone or Facebook, she held court in the office of her banned political party, the smell of damp emanating from the human rights reports piled on the floor. Aung San Suu Kyi, 75, has turned into an apologist for the very generals who once locked her up, downplaying their murderous campaign against the Rohingya Muslim minority. Her strongest critics accuse her, as a member of the Bamar ethnic majority, of racism and an unwillingness to fight for the human rights of all people in Myanmar. Yet even as Ms.

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Aung San Suu Kyi has squandered the moral authority that came with her Nobel Peace Prize, her Oe at home has endured. This week, her political party, the National League for Democracy, won yet another landslide in general electionssetting up five more years in which she will share power with the military that ruled Myanmar for nearly 50 years.

Suu Kyi s Story Is One That

It is hard to think of a human rights hero whose global prestige has Suu Kyi s Story Is One That so quickly. Aung San Suu Kyi once represented the triumph of democracy IIs dictatorship. It helped, too, that she Stiry turn on the charm. Last year, Ms. Under Ms. And poets, painters and students have been jailed for peacefully speaking their minds: In Myanmar today, people are either political prisoners or are awaiting trial on those kinds of charges, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

Aung San Suu Kyi grew up as political nobility, the daughter of Gen. After 28 years abroad, she returned home in as pro-democracy protests were coalescing across the country. Within a few months, a onetime homemaker had emerged as the leader of the movement. A military junta locked her up inafter which her National League for Democracy won elections that were ignored by the dictatorship. During house arrest in her crumbling villa for a total of 15 years, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi kept to a strict schedule. She listened to BBC radio news reports.

She practiced the piano. And she meditated in the Buddhist way, intent, she said, on transcending earthly concerns.

Suu Kyi s Story Is One That

Aung San Suu Kyi missed her two sons growing up, and the death of her husband, a British academic, from cancer. But the virtues that served Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi so well during house arrest — her straight-backed dignity and the psychological bunker she built around herself — may be what has led to her failure, so far, to fight for true, representative democracy in Myanmar.

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The line is thin between resolve and recalcitrance, conviction and condescension. Aung San Suu Read more. Richardson broke with her two years agowhen Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi became so angry that he thought she might slap him after he urged her to free two Reuters journalists who had been imprisoned after uncovering a massacre of Rohingya, he said. Richardson added. For all her democratic rhetoric, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi retains respect for the army that her father formed. The party is organized with a soldierly hierarchy in which the commanding officer is Ms.

But the actual army maintains a grip on important ministries, a chunk of parliament and lucrative businesses. Inroughly three-quarters of a million Rohingya fled to neighboring Bangladesh. Many of those left in the country are in internment camps.]

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