Sor Juana Essay -

Sor Juana Essay Sor Juana Essay

In your first paragraph, describe how Luther subverts the medieval understanding that a religious vocation was limited to priests and to those who embraced the monastic life. For Luther, what is the difference between a priest and a lay person?

Feminism in Sor Juana Essay

In what sense does Luthers subversion help you sort out the concept of calling? As you prepare to write your third paragraph, consider the context. To which group of reformers does Luther write this treatise?

Sor Juana Essay

What theological positions define this group of reformers? In a third paragraph, note the distinction that Luther makes to begin this writing. Then name and describe what Luther calls the two different kinds of righteousness.

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Sor Juana Essay

How does he define or characterize this calling? What, if anything, is applicable in this reading to your pursuit of a purpose or calling? If nothing is, why not?]

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