Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted -

Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted Video

American Cops vs Canadian Cops Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted

In the months following the death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, some Mississippi cities and counties have reviewed their use-of-force policies, with some making changes to improve interactions with members of the community, including banning chokeholds and other means of lethal force.

Mississippi incidents preceded George Floyd’s death

Reporters also investigated whether any of their policies have changed in light of Floyd's death on Memorial Day, when former officer Derek Chauvin held his knee on Floyd's neck for nearly 9 minutes. What they found is there are some cities and counties here Mississippi that do not allow chokeholds and other similar means of restraint.

Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted

In addition, most of the agencies that include chokeholds in their restraint policies have protocols in place that must be followed before a chokehold can be implemented. Other agencies, like the DeSoto County Sheriff's Department, do not specifically address chokeholds in its policy, but it may be used in accordance with federal law. Supreme Court decision in Graham vs.

Police in some cities ban chokeholds

The ban later was made permanent and is now part of the police department's policy. Some of the eight new requirements were already in place; however, other measures — such as a ban on chokeholds, strangleholds, or any other use of force that limits a person's ability to breathe — is now official policy. In the order, the mayor says Jackson has experienced its own cases of deaths "and other harms" through the use of excessive force by officers.

Shouod, but with concerns: Jackson Council members react to mayor's use-of-force ban. McComb officials considered a ban on chokeholds in July. Some cities, like Jackson and Hattiesburg, have also considered implementing a police review board to gather community input, examine cases Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted alleged abuse by officers and make recommendations to the department.

Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted

The boards would be separate entities from the Civil Service Commissions that oversee appeals by officers who are accused of wrongdoing. It requires officers to exhaust all other means of restraint before resorting to deadly force, and officers must give a verbal warning before shooting at a person unless Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted a verbal warning is impossible. Lockley said when he spoke with the police chief about the changes, the chief told him he agreed and had informally been following a similar policy of de-escalation instead of using force to control a situation. Calls to ban chokeholds have ramped up in recent years, but Starkville Police Department is one that took the initiative nearly two decades ago. In the wake of Floyd's death, protests erupted across the country.

Police showed up in riot gear, journalists were arrested, buildings were set ablaze and protesters met with teargas.

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In Starkville and other cities across Mississippi, images depicted peaceful marches with officers on the sidelines or watching from a distance. Should Law Enforcement Officers Be Permitted said he met with organizers before the march to "work through issues, concerns, address rumors and misrepresentations that the organizers had of the police and police had of the organizers. Chokeholds are allowed in some law enforcement agencies, but are only allowed as a last resort and if the use of deadly force is approved. Forrest and Lamar sheriff's departments have similar policies in which chokeholds are banned except under extreme circumstances.

Clinton police also have a ban on chokeholds, Chief Ford Hayman said, "unless lethal force is applicable in the situation. Many police and sheriff's departments throughout the state also have changed the name of the policy to "Response to resistance" to better identify the purpose of the use of force. Resistance, to us, is what the next step in our actions is after that physical encounter.]

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