Separation of Powers -

Separation of Powers

Separation of Powers - very valuable

Separation of Powers As a further means of controlling the power of government, the Constitution…. As a further means of controlling the power of government, the Constitution sets up the three federal branches and provides mechanisms for them to act as checks and balances on each other. The President, Congress, and the courts each have specialized areas of authority, as provided for by the Constitution. Congress has the sole power to legislate at the federal level, whereas the president, among other things, executes laws, makes treaties, and commands the armed forces; the Supreme Court and the inferior courts have judicial authority at the federal level. The result is a system of separation of powers designed to prevent too much authority from residing in any one branch. Thus, the president has the power to veto acts of Congress; those vetoes can be overridden by a two-thirds vote of each house, and the judiciary can find those acts unconstitutional. The role of the judiciary has been a matter of particular controversy in recent years. The historic Marbury v. Madison decision8 was the first time the Supreme Court had declared an act of Congress unconstitutional, and the decision also established the principle of judicial review; that is, the power of the courts to consider and, if necessary, invalidate congressional and executive branch decisions. Separation of Powers

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Constitutional Principles: Separation of Powers

Kaviya R.

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We speak a lot about Law, but have you ever wondered, how a Law comes into force? How is it implemented in society?

Separation of Powers

Or how to deal with a question of law? In India, we have three organs of the Government. The Legislative makes laws. The Executive enforces them and. The Judiciary applies them to the specific cases arising out of the breach of law.


The Doctrine of Separation of Powers aims at separating power and disseminating it such that tyranny by the Government may be prevented entirely, as equal Separatiin vests in three separate organs which act as a check and balance for each other. For example, the Supreme Court has power to declare void the laws passed Separation of Powers the legislature and the actions taken by the executive if they violate any provision of Separation of Powers Constitution and the executive can affect the functioning of the judiciary by making appointments to the office of Chief Justice and other judges. Hence, it is evident that the doctrine of Separation of Powers has not been accepted in India in its strict sense as we have functional and personnel overlapping among the three organs. Know the Law. Probono legal aid.

Separation of Powers

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