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Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries - remarkable

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The agreement was based on the premise that the Triple Entente would achieve success in defeating the Ottoman Empire during World War I and formed part of a series of secret agreements contemplating its partition.

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The agreement effectively divided the Ottoman provinces outside the Arabian Peninsula into areas of British and French control and influence. The British- and French-controlled countries were divided by the Sykes—Picot line. The agreement was initially used directly as the basis for the Anglo—French Modus Vivendiwhich provided a framework for the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration in the Levant. More broadly it was to lead, indirectly, to the subsequent partitioning of the Ottoman Empire following Ottoman defeat in Shortly after the war, the French ceded Palestine and Mosul to the British. Mandates in the Levant and Mesopotamia were assigned at the April San Remo conference following the Sykes—Picot framework; the British Mandate for Palestine ran untilthe British Mandate Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries Mesopotamia was to be replaced by a similar treaty with Mandatory Iraqand the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon lasted until The agreement is seen by many as a turning point in Western and Arab relations.

It negated the UK's promises to Arabs [9] regarding a national Arab homeland in the area of Greater Syria in exchange for supporting the Documentary Was Called Wetback against the Ottoman Empire. The agreement, along with others, was made public by the Bolsheviks [10] in Moscow on 23 November and repeated in the British Guardian on 26 Novembersuch that "the British were embarrassed, the Arabs dismayed and the Turks delighted".

In the Constantinople Agreement of 18 Marchfollowing the start of naval operations in the run up to the Gallipoli campaign the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Sazonovwrote to the French and UK ambassadors and staked a claim to Constantinople and the Dardanelles. In a series of diplomatic exchanges over five weeks, the UK and France both agreed, while putting forward their own claims, to an increased sphere of influence in Iran in the Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries of the UK and to an annexation of Syria including Palestine and Cilicia for France.

The UK and French claims were both agreed, all sides also agreeing that the exact governance of the Holy Places was to be left for later settlement. This agreement and the Sykes-Picot Agreement were complementary, as France and Britain first had to satisfy Russia in order to finalize the partitioning of the Middle East. In the Treaty of London of 26 AprilArticle 9 included commitments regarding Italian participation in any partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. The article stated: "If France, Great Britain and Russia occupy any territories in Turkey in Asia during the course of the war, the Mediterranean region bordering on the Province of Adalia within the limits indicated above shall be reserved to Italy, who shall be entitled to occupy it. Their correspondence comprised ten letters exchanged from July to March[20] in which the British government agreed to recognize Arab independence after the war in exchange for the Sharif of Mecca launching the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire.

Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries

Satisfactory as it may be to note his general acceptance for the time being of the proposed relations of France with Arabia, his reference to the future of those Rslations adumbrates a source of trouble which it will be wise not to ignore. I have on more than one occasion brought to the notice of His Majesty's Government the deep antipathy with which the Arabs regard the prospect of French Administration of any portion of Arab territory.

In this lies considerable danger to our future relations with France, because difficult and even impossible though it may be to convince France of her mistake, if we do not endeavour to do so Ckuntries warning her of the real state of Arab feeling, we may hereafter be accused of instigating or encouraging the opposition to the French, which the Arabs now threaten and will assuredly give. After discussions, Grey instructed that the French be informed of the situation although Cambon did not take the matter that seriously. On 21 OctoberGrey met Cambon and suggested France appoint a representative to discuss the future borders of Syria as Britain wished to back the creation of an independent Arab state. At this point Grey was faced with competing claims from the French and from Hussein and the day before had sent a telegram to Cairo telling the High Commissioner to be as vague as possible in his next letter to the Sharif when discussing the northwestern, Syrian, corner of the territory Hussein claimed and left McMahon with "discretion Middl the matter as it is urgent and there is not time to discuss an exact formula", adding, "If something more precise than oCuntries is required you can give it.

Picot informed the Nicolson committee that France claimed the possession of land starting from where the Taurus Mountains approach the sea in Ciliciafollowing the Taurus Mountains and the mountains Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries East, so as to include DiyarbekirMosul and Erbiland then returning to Deir ez-Zor on the Euphrates and from there southwards along the here border, finishing eventually at the Egyptian frontier.

Picot, however, added that he was prepared click at this page propose to the French government to throw Mosul into the Arab pool, if we did so in the case of Baghdad". A second meeting of the Nicolson committee with Picot took place on 21 December wherein Picot said that he had obtained Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries to agree to the towns of Aleppo, Hama, Homs and Damascus being included in the Arab dominions to be administered by the Arabs.

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Although the French had scaled back their demands to some extent, the British also claimed to want to include Lebanon in the future Arab State and this meeting also ended at an impasse. Sykes and Picot entered into "almost daily" private discussions over the six-day period; no documents survive from these discussions. On Monday 3 Januarythey agreed and initialled a joint memorandum containing what was to become known as the Sykes—Picot Agreement.

They had agreed to compromise on the Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries primary areas of difference—they split the Mosul Vilayet in two at the Little Zab river, with read article French taking the northern part Mosul and Erbil and the British taking the southern part Kirkuk and Sulaymaniyahand Palestine was to be placed under an "international administration, the form of which is to be decided upon after consultation with Russia, and subsequently in consultation with the other allies, and the representatives of the sheriff of Mecca. The memorandum was forwarded to the Foreign Office and circulated for comments. An interdepartmental conference was convened by Nicolson on 21 January.

Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries

Following the meeting, a final draft agreement was circulated to the cabinet on 2 February, the War Committee considered it on the 3rd and finally at a meeting on the 4th between Bonar Law, Chamberlain, Lord Kitchener and others it was decided that:. Picot may inform his government that the acceptance of the whole Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries would entail the abdication of considerable British interests, but provided that the cooperation of the Arabs is secured, and that the Arabs fulfil the conditions and obtain the towns of Homs, Hama, Damascus and Aleppo, the British Government would not object to the arrangement. But, as the Blue Area extends so far Eastwards, and affects Russian interests, it would be absolutely essential see more, before anything was concluded, the consent of Russia was obtained.]

Relations Between Western And Middle Eastern Countries

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