Rehabilitating Our Criminals -

Rehabilitating Our Criminals - opinion

Offenders guilty of minor crimes will have them wiped from their records under changes announced by the Home Office to stop them being denied jobs by "spent" convictions. Officials told campaigners this week that a rule will be scrapped under which anyone with more than one conviction, no matter how minor, automatically has them disclosed to a prospective employer for the rest of their lives. The change, to come into effect on November 28, will mean minor assaults, thefts or drug possession would not automatically be revealed to employers by the Government disclosure and barring service. A requirement for any childhood cautions or reprimands to be revealed will also be scrapped. It is estimated that the move could free some 45, people with minor convictions or childhood cautions from disclosure in "standard" checks for jobs in professions such as law and "enhanced" alerts for posts involving work with children or vulnerable adults such as teaching, social or youth work. It follows a law commission inquiry which called for a wide-ranging review and a Supreme Court judgment that described the rules on minor offences as "disproportionate". Campaigners who took the Government to court said it was unfair to deny juvenile offenders who wanted to escape criminality a second chance and prevent eminently qualified people with old and minor offences from getting a job, but some campaigners for victims'rights said employers should be entitled to full disclosure and warned that the move could put the public at risk.

Rehabilitating Our Criminals Video

Corrections, Rehabilitation and Criminal Justice in the United States: 1800-1970 Rehabilitating Our Criminals. Rehabilitating Our Criminals Rehabilitating Our Criminals

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Rehabilitating Our Criminals

View transcript. Well, we know that many offenders have lives that are in some way troubled. And we know that in many cases the difficulties which offenders are experiencing in their lives can be closely linked to their offending behaviour.

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A typical example here would be a person who is addicted to drugs, and who resorts to theft to finance their drug addiction. If we want to have rehabilitation as part of our sentencing plan, then what we are saying is that the sentence which is imposed on an offender should involve opportunities to address the issues which are sitting behind their offending behaviour. Rehabilitating Our Criminals idea is that this is a win-win Rehabilitating Our Criminals, in that the offender gets the benefit of being rehabilitated, and society, or Rehabilitafing public, benefits from the fact that this person is less likely to offend again. So, offenders might benefit from medical support or other therapeutic assistance in some cases.

Rehabilitating Our Criminals

In other cases, rehabilitation might be in the form of education or learning — perhaps an offender will benefit from learning more about the true effects of their offending behaviour. Or perhaps they will benefit from learning or developing skills, which will provide them Rehabilitating Our Criminals Rehaabilitating to gain employment, and move away from their offending behaviour.

The most obvious problem with some rehabilitative measures is that they can be expensive, and as a consequence not all offenders who might benefit from them can access them. Also, sometimes, the way in which sentences are Rehabilitating Our Criminals makes it difficult to engage in rehabilitative activity.]

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