Based on State PTA rules and guidelines, these works of Reflections may be submitted for state and national level awards and recognition opportunities.
National PTA Reflections Awards
Of the Reflections submissions, over student Reflections participants will receive the following awards from National PTA:. Congratulations to the following Reflections winners on their national achievements in the arts! Stay tuned as National PTA plans to curate artwork for the traveling exhibit this fall to be showcased in January at the U. View Reflections. Congratulations to the National winners from the Look Within Reflections program. Student entries submitted to the national level go through two Reflections of review by esteemed arts professionals across the country.

During the evaluation process, Reflections will consider the following criteria:. Judges strongly consider the interpretation of the Reflections theme during the evaluation process. The following guiding questions can be useful link developing a title and artist statement:. Through our annual search process, one winning student's theme will inspire the hundreds of Reflections Reflecctions student artists that participate in the Reflections program.

The Reflections theme is I Matter Because To learn more about Reflections opportunity, visit our ArtsEd Resources. Arts Categories.
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Dance Choreography. Film Production. Music Composition. Visual Arts.
Ratings and Reviews
Selection Criteria Student entries submitted to the national level go Reflections two rounds of review by esteemed arts professionals Reflections the country. Interpretation: How closely the piece relates to the theme, based on the work itself and the artist statement.

Creativity: How creative and Reflections the piece is in its conception of the theme and its presentation. Reflections is your personal connection to the theme? Reflectjons did you use to create your work e. Register by Feb. Apply for a grant and use our toolkit to advocate for arts education.]
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