Psych Research - congratulate
With the rise of managed health care, which emphasizes cost-efficiency and brevity, mental health professionals have had to confront this burning question: How can they help clients derive the greatest possible benefit from treatment in the shortest amount of time? Recent evidence suggests that a promising approach is to complement psychological counseling with additional activities that are not too taxing for clients but yield high results. In our own research, we have zeroed in on one such activity: the practice of gratitude. Indeed, many studies over the past decade have found that people who consciously count their blessings tend to be happier and less depressed. The problem is that most research studies on gratitude have been conducted with well-functioning people. Is gratitude beneficial for people who struggle with mental health concerns? And, if so, how? We set out to address these questions in a recent research study involving nearly adults, mostly college students who were seeking mental health counseling at a university. We recruited these participants just before they began their first session of counseling, and, on average, they reported clinically low levels of mental health at the time. The majority of people seeking counseling services at this university in general struggled with issues related to depression and anxiety. Psych Research.Psych Research Video
Research Methods - Psychology A-level Revision Video - Study RocketTrotta and colleagues conducted a meta-analysis of 20 studies that tested for the association between interpretation bias and paranoid thoughts in participants with and without a clinical diagnosis. Among both the clinical Psych Research nonclinical samples, participants who interpreted environmental information more negatively appeared to be more prone to paranoia and to have more severe symptoms of paranoia.
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Hagen, Tom Hollenstein, and Christopher R. Bowie Psych Research deficits can present different barriers to recovery from major depressive disorder MDD depending on the avoided type of effort. Participants completed physical and cognitive tasks in which they chose between low-effort, low-payoff scenarios and high-effort, high-payoff scenarios. They noted measures of cognitive functioning, life functioning, and symptom Researxh. Participants with higher anhedonia severity showed lower motivation for physical effort by preferring the low-effort physical scenarios over high-effort ones.
Participants who preferred low-effort cognitive scenarios tended to have poorer life functioning. Thus, cognitive Psych Research appears to be relevant to life functioning, whereas physical effort appears to be associated with anhedonia. Harrington, Jennifer E. Ashton, Subbulakshmi Sankarasubramanian, Michael C. Anderson, and Scott A.
Cairney Successfully preventing unwanted memories from intruding on our days might require a good night of sleep. In the evening, participants rated how different scenes made them feel e. The following morning, Psych Research either an overnight sleep or total sleep deprivation, participants saw the faces framed in either green or click.

They were instructed to suppress the memory of the corresponding scene when the face frame was red, which coincided with neutral and negative scenes. Relative to sleep-deprived participants, Psych Research who had slept the previous Psych Research were more successful in repressing unwanted scenes. Ariana Orvell, Brian D. Vickers, Brittany Drake, et al. Participants reflected on Resdarch experiences using distanced self-talk e. Compared to participants who used immersed talk, those who used distanced self-talk Researrch less negatively regardless of the type of negative experience e. Horan, Junghee Lee, Gerhard S. Hellemann, and Michael F. Green Social cognition the processes needed to use information for adaptive social interactions might help to explain heterogeneity in functional outcomes in schizophrenia and develop interventions to improve functional recovery.
Thus, Riedel and colleagues aimed to clarify the factor Psych Research of social cognition in schizophrenia, using confirmatory factor analysis and machine learning. Results validated a three-factor model for social cognition—low-level e. Each of these factors showed different patterns of correlation with clinical symptoms, nonsocial cognition, and functional outcomes.

Stanley Seah, Lindsey M. Matt, and Karin G. Coifman Seah and colleagues examined the association between working memory capacity WMC and self-distancing indexed Psych Research the use of pronouns such as we instead of I in relation to emotion regulation.
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Results indicated that, during a negative-mood induction, higher WMC predicted greater self-distancing, lower negative affect, and greater use of we pronouns, which predicted higher positive affect. These findings suggest the importance of WMC in forecasting adaptive emotion regulation, via self-distancing. This is consistent with the idea Psych Research adopting psychological distance may be related to better psychological functioning. Mikhail, Pamela K. Keel, S. RResearch Burt, et al. High trait negative affect Psych Research and specific ovarian hormone levels low estradiol and high progesterone increase the risk for emotional eating, this research suggests.]
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