Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Treatment -

Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Treatment

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The Postpartum depression It is a depressive disorder that can be moderate or severe, and that occurs in women after giving birth. It is part of depressive disorders, which are quite common in the general population especially in women , and can occur at any time in life. It is a very common syndrome among women who have just become a mother, however not all the symptoms experienced after childbirth indicate that they are suffering from depression. The presentation of this depressive picture does not have to occur immediately after delivery, but can occur from a few days after delivery, up to a year after giving birth. Most of the time it usually appears about 3 months after the birth of the child. So if symptoms show up within a few weeks of giving birth, it could be postpartum depression. Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Treatment.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Treatment Video

Postpartum Depression: What You Need to Know

These feelings may go away within a few days, but if they do not, they could be signs and symptoms of postpartum depression.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Treatment

Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that occurs in approximately one in seven women. The combination of hormonal changes after the birth of your baby and the increased stress of childcare can cause postpartum depression in almost any woman.

What is Postpartum Depression?

Women who have had depression in the past may also be at a higher risk of developing the condition. If you experience signs of postpartum depression, you are not alone. Our providers are here to help. Signs and symptoms of postpartum depression can look similar to common symptoms of depressionsuch as feelings of sadness, changes in appetite or sleeping habits, and loss of interest in things you used to enjoy.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Treatment

Symptoms may begin during pregnancy, but they may start anytime during the first year of delivery. If you experience these more serious symptoms, call or go to your nearest emergency room.

What are the Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?

Unlike the baby blues, which tend to go away on their own after a few weeks, postpartum depression requires treatment, such as:. Symptomz offers early postpartum depression screenings, and our expert nurses are here to help. She can refer you to resources and treatment options. Call Signs Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Treatment Symptoms of Postpartum Depression Signs and symptoms of postpartum depression can look similar to Postpartun symptoms of depressionsuch as feelings of sadness, changes in appetite or sleeping habits, and loss of interest in things you used to enjoy.

Treatment for Postpartum Depression Unlike the baby blues, which tend to go away on their own after a few weeks, postpartum depression requires treatment, such as: Counseling or talk therapy Improving your self-care routines, such as sustaining a healthy diet and getting enough sleep Joining support groups or talking with other mothers experiencing postpartum depression Medications—Some antidepressants are safe to take while breastfeeding, but talk with your provider first. He or she can recommend an antidepressant that is safe for you and suggest alternative forms of treatment instead.]

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