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Physical Science

Physical Science Video

Physical Sciences part 1 - Constituents and Structures

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This course involves study of the structures and states of matter introductory chemistry and physics. It includes such topics as: forms of energy, wave phenomenon, electromagnetism, and physical and chemical interactions. Students in all classes are expected to be able to formulate a hypothesis and conduct and experiment to collect data that supports or contradicts that hypothesis. Students work through a wide range of models and experiments to explore the concepts of each class. Physical Science. Course Title:. Course Description:. Physical Science

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Physics Physical Science one of the oldest academic Physical Science and, through its inclusion of astronomyperhaps the oldest. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms studied by other sciences [6] and suggest new avenues of research in academic disciplines such as mathematics and philosophy. Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies.

For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetismsolid-state physicsand nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as televisioncomputersdomestic appliancesand Sckence weapons ; [6] advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization ; and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.

Astronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences. The stars and planets, believed to represent gods, were often worshipped.

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While the explanations for the observed positions of the stars were often unscientific and lacking in evidence, these early observations laid the foundation for later astronomy, as the stars were found to traverse great circles across the sky, [9] which however did not explain the positions of the planets. Physical Science to Asger Aaboethe origins of Western astronomy can be found in Mesopotamiaand all Western efforts in the exact sciences are descended from late Babylonian astronomy. Natural philosophy has its origins in Greece during the Archaic period BCE — BCEwhen pre-Socratic philosophers like Thales rejected non-naturalistic explanations for natural phenomena and proclaimed that every event had a natural cause. The Western Roman Empire fell in the fifth century, and this Physical Science in a decline in intellectual pursuits in the western part of Europe.

By contrast, the Eastern Roman Empire also known as the Byzantine Empire resisted the attacks from the barbarians, and continued to advance various fields of learning, including physics.

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In the sixth century Isidore of Miletus created an important compilation of Archimedes' works that are copied in the Archimedes Palimpsest. In sixth century Europe Physical Science Philoponusa Byzantine scholar, questioned Aristotle 's teaching of physics and noted its flaws. He introduced the theory of impetus.

Physical Science

Aristotle's physics was Physical Science scrutinized until Philoponus appeared; unlike Aristotle, who Physifal his physics on verbal argument, Philoponus relied on observation. On Aristotle's physics Philoponus wrote:. But this is completely erroneous, and our view may be corroborated by actual observation more effectively than by any sort of verbal argument. For if you let fall from the same height two weights of which one is many times as heavy as the other, you will see Physical Science the ratio of the times required for the motion does not depend on the ratio of the weights, but that the difference in time is a very small one. And so, if the difference in the weights is not Physical Science, that is, of one is, let us say, double the other, there will be no difference, or else an imperceptible difference, in time, though the difference in weight is by no means negligible, with one body weighing twice as much as the other here. Philoponus' criticism of Aristotelian principles of physics served as an inspiration for Galileo Galilei ten centuries later, [19] during the Scientific Revolution.

Galileo cited Philoponus substantially Physical Science his Sciencr when arguing that Aristotelian physics was flawed. It was a step toward the modern ideas of inertia and momentum. Islamic scholarship inherited Aristotelian physics Pgysical the Greeks and during the Islamic Golden Age developed it further, especially placing emphasis on observation and a priori reasoning, developing early forms of the scientific method. The most notable innovations were in the field of optics and vision, which came from the works of many scientists like Ibn SahlAl-KindiIbn al-HaythamAl-Farisi Physical Science Avicenna.

Physical Science

In the book, he presented a study of the phenomenon of the camera obscura his thousand-year-old version of the pinhole camera and delved further into the way the eye itself works. Using dissections and the knowledge of previous scholars, he was able to begin to explain how light enters the eye. He asserted that the light ray is focused, but the actual explanation of how light projected to the back of the eye had to wait until Physical Science His Treatise on Light explained the camera obscura, hundreds of years before the modern development of photography.

The seven-volume Book of Optics Svience al-Manathir hugely influenced thinking across disciplines from the theory of visual Physical Science to the nature Physical Science perspective in medieval art, in both the East and the West, for more than years. Indeed, the influence of Ibn al-Haytham's Optics ranks alongside that of Newton's work of the same title, published years later. The translation of The Book of Optics had a huge impact on Europe. From it, later European scholars were able to Phjsical devices that replicated those Ibn al-Haytham had built, and understand the way light works.

From this, such important things as eyeglasses, magnifying glasses, telescopes, and cameras were developed.]

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