Persuasive Speech On Smart Choices -

Persuasive Speech On Smart Choices - remarkable

The speech and self-review are due next week. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Close Menu About Us. Persuasive Speech On Smart Choices. Persuasive Speech On Smart Choices

Persuasion is the process of convincing your audience to change a particular attitude or belief.

Persuasive Speech On Smart Choices

Persuasive speaking is the process of doing so in public. Actuation is urging your audience to go one step beyond agreement and take a particular action. In this speech, you will convince your audience about an important position and motivate the audience to take specific action about your proposition. Objectives You will learn how to use statement of reasons to support your position and motivate your audience into action. You will learn how to utilize statement of reason organizational pattern as well as logical and emotional appeals in the development of position.

Persuasive Speech On Smart Choices

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You should be able to critique persuasive presentation effectively. Requirements of the Assignment 1. Topic Approval: Submit persuasive topic and persuasive goal to Assignment folder for approval. You may convert your informative topic Persjasive a persuasive goal and have it approved. Complete by November 12 2. Research your topic thoroughly for credible sources of information at ARCC library and other reputable sources.

Persuasive Speech On Smart Choices

Complete by November 17 3. Prepare a persuasive speech outline that utilizes statement of reasons organizational pattern.


Statement of reason outlines incorporate strong reasoning and evidence to support persuasive proposition. It should also include your call to action click as your final main point before your conclusion. See template outline. Complete by November 20 4. Forms of support: You must have at least 3 oral citations of support in your speech that include statistical information, expert opinion, and a quotation.


Meet with instructor during office hours or as arranged to discuss speech progress. November 23 6. The speech should be minutes long. Review your taped speech and write a critique of your performance by answering critique questions.

Submit your critique to Assignment folder. Customer Service Chat.]

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