Oil Drilling in the Arctic - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Oil Drilling in the Arctic

Oil Drilling in the Arctic - consider

Trump officials are racing to push through leases for oil and gas drilling sites in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ANWR before the president leaves office in January after losing his reelection bid to Joe Biden. The ANWR is a breeding ground for endangered polar bears and home to grey wolves, musk oxen and caribou, along with migratory birds from around the world. Mr Biden has also promised to ban new oil and gas permits on public lands and waters. Already have an account? Log in here. Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more. Oil Drilling in the Arctic

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The Trump administration beginning Tuesday wants oil and gas firms to select where they might want to drill for the first time in the U. Leases may prove difficult to claw back once finalized, though court challenges are expected. The move will open up public lands to drilling, as well as logging, mining and grazing. Biden campaigned on protecting public lands from these activities. A Republican-controlled Congress in authorized drilling in the refuge, which is home to tens of thousands https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/work-experience-programme/the-first-ever-demonstration-of-artificial-embryo.php migrating caribou and waterfowl, along with polar bears and Arctic foxes.

Oil Drilling in the Arctic

President George W. Bush had promoted drilling there but ran into congressional roadblocks. It remains to be seen how strong drilling interest in the refuge might be from major U.

Oil Drilling in the Arctic

For one thing, infrastructure and roads have been purposefully kept out of the refuge and would require investment. The area is estimated to contain as much as Hilcorp Energy Co.

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Chevron partnered with BP BP, Major banks including Goldman Sachs GS, Smaller participants might be likely to bid on leases. For instance, some Alaska Native tribal corporations have already expressed an interest in conducting seismic tests to identify oil reserves on the coastal plain, the Washington Post reported. A group of more than signatories, mostly representing environmental, indigenous and investing interests, expressed such concern in a letter released in Drillung

Oil Drilling in the Arctic

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