Most Common Type Of Cancer Worldwide -

Most Common Type Of Cancer Worldwide Video

Breast Cancer Risks and Safety - Platform Most Common Type Of Cancer Worldwide

Cancer World : Which is the origin of your idea of studying the cost of cancer in Europe? Does the Swedish Institute for Health Economics have a special interest in the topic? Thomas Hofmarcher : Our interest in studying this topic goes back over 15 years in time.

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It all started with the drug approval of trastuzumab for the treatment of breast cancer by the European Medicines Agency in This drug was seen as a major breakthrough and in fact marked the starting point of personalized medicine in cancer care. At the same time, trastuzumab came with a significant price tag. A wave of new drugs followed trastuzumab and this sparked a lot of interest in two basic questions: how much Most Common Type Of Cancer Worldwide we spending on cancer care, and how much are we spending on cancer drugs?

Wilking have provided answers to these question in a report published in Since then they have teamed up with us at the Swedish Institute for Health Economics. Cancer care is evolving rapidly and thus there is a constant need to keep the numbers up to date. Cancer is also high on the political agenda but far too often a comprehensive view on the economic impact of cancer is neglected in political deliberations. We have therefore provided one update on the cost of cancer in and this year we have once again published the latest numbers.

TH: Data availability is really the dealbreaker in conducting this type of analysis.

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We cover 31 European countries in total. You can imagine that looking for data for each individual country takes a lot of time, especially since we are click looking at different types of costs. Most Common Type Of Cancer Worldwide direct costs of cancer, which are expenditure on cancer care made within the health care system, we more info to obtain data from national health accounts of countries.

With the exception of Germany and the Netherlands, there are no countries where official sources such as the Ministry of Health or the National Statistical Office provide this kind of data on a regular basis. It is astonishing to realize that most countries have little clue on how much they are spending on specific diseases such as cancer. So instead we had to rely on country-specific data provided from research institutes, national cancer societies, articles in peer-reviewed journals and reports from the OECD and the WHO. For indirect costs of cancer, which are composed of productivity loss attributable to premature mortality and to morbidity, the data availability situation is mixed.

Most Common Type Of Cancer Worldwide

On the one hand, costs of premature mortality are relatively easy to estimate, since information on the age of death of people, which is the key input here, is readily available for all countries from Eurostat. On the other hand, costs of morbidity are difficult to assess as we lack data on sickness absence and early retirement caused by specific diseases such as cancer in many countries.

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We had to rely on studies conducted by other researchers to fill this data gap, which was also the case for our assessment of the informal care costs of cancer. CW: The cost of cancer per capita Modt Switzerland is, according to your study, nearly 4 times higher than in Romania.

Are survival rates also 4 times higher? TH: No, they are not. Switzerland is indeed always among the top countries if we look at survival rates of different here types. Romania is always close to the bottom of the ranking.

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When we look at the relationship of direct costs spent on cancer care and survival rates, we see a positive relationship. Thus, countries that spend more also achieve better outcomes.

Most Common Type Of Cancer Worldwide

But this relationship is not linear. That is, if you Canced spending by 20 percent, survival rates will increase by less than 20 percent. If you spend your money on ineffective measures you might not an increase at all. Spending more money to improve outcomes should be a priority, but this priority should be on an equal footing with trying to make the best out of the money that is already being spent.]

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