Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been -

Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been - look

The liberal fantasy of having U. And while the push for D. It is not as overt as when U. The fantasy of granting Puerto Rico statehood just so the Senate can have more Democratic senators rather than as an acknowledgment of the fact that Puerto Ricans are and always should have been equal partners in the American experiment speak to exactly what colonialism is all about: the patronizing attitude that white, mainland Americans' political priorities are of greater importance than those of the people who live there, and that they generally know better than the people who do live there, who don't need to decide what they want. In the same election, the only pro-statehood candidate, Pedro Pierluisi, got only 33 percent of the vote , which was enough to make him the governor-elect, but hardly a majority. Candidates backing independence also gained in the statehouse, strongly suggesting that the seeming "majority" for statehood is hardly as wide a sentiment as the vote count would suggest. One reason might be that while technically a vote against the question "Should Puerto Rico be admitted immediately into the Union as a state? Voter information campaigns can do a lot, but better-worded ballot questions would actually measure voter sentiment a lot better.

Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been Video

All we have to do is wait on Yahawashi Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been

Gary Soto : A Mexican American Author

New York Gov. But the line drew gasps from the Mxeican. Within hours, his spokeswoman tried walking it back. The Governor believes that when everyone is fully included and everyone is contributing to their maximum potential, that is when America will achieve maximum greatness.

Cuomo for months has been positioning himself as one of the biggest gubernatorial foes of the Trump White House.

Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been

He also is facing a primary challenge from the left from actress and activist Cynthia Nixon. Nixon has made a number of controversial statements, including calling Immigration and Customs Enforcement a terrorist organization, and has claimed Cuomo is shifting to the left in response. But it remains to be seen whether Cuomo's stances in the New York race could come back to haunt a bid.

Of course, Puerto Ricans are Americans

Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. Andrew Cuomo: America was 'never that great' New York governor says during speech that America has not reached greatness. Adam Shaw is a reporter covering U. He can be reached here. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox Arrives Weekdays.]

Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been

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