Media Acts And Its Impact On Society -

Media Acts And Its Impact On Society

Media Acts And Its Impact On Society - phrase brilliant

Debilal Mishra. What is the role of the media in our lives? We are living in a media-rich world. The media has forced into our lives in a big way and affected our intrinsic behaviour to a great extent. Without the presence of the media the various dimensions of the human life are inconceivable. However, the media has to be responsible in the context of its social performance. Since influence can cause anything, it has to be a positive influence at the end of the day. It is often assumed that the media reflects the society and that it is an effective instrument of positive social change; but with the changing social conditions the nature of the media has too undergone some significant changes. Media Acts And Its Impact On Society. Media Acts And Its Impact On Society

A network of electric devices which I used to inform, motivate and entertain people Is called Electronic Media Following means are being used as a form of electronic media. Newspaper is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. We provide An with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry. Sign in.

Media Acts And Its Impact On Society

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Password recovery. Recover your password. By Writings. July 20, Electronic Media in its every form Is a big source of mass communication. It produces Its direct effect on common people. It Is the great source of providing entertainment.

The impact and influence of electronic media, satellite dish and cable transmission can be described as following. Electronic Media gives information, news and current affairs at once throughout the world. Through satellite transmission and cable network, people get advantage from different entertaining programs.

Media Acts And Its Impact On Society

The programmers of satellite transmission and cable network directly influence on the life of people. Electronic media produces new changes in the societies by giving different ideas in different programs.

Media impact on society essay

Electronic media spreads new ideas about standard of living, fashion, education and in the way of thinking by which people are greatly impressed and try to adopt them in their lives. The electronic media in form of satellite transmission, Internet, cable net, dish and cable network has many useful effects. It helps to give information about different cultures, social and political systems of the different parts of the world. Electronic media is the great source of knowledge about geographical facts of the world. It also provides information about new discoveries. Electronic media is the wonderful source of giving in formation about science, universe, oceans, sociology and politics. Satellite transmission, Dish and Cable Networks provide a variety of entertaining, reforming and informative programmes.

Where, electronic Media Acts And Its Impact On Society is a great source of information, communication and entertainment, it also produces some harmful effects which become responsible to destroy the moral values. Students, young boys and girls waste their precious time on chatting and visiting useless websites on internet and cable net. Nude pictures, sex materials, sex entertainment talks on internet directly influence on the creative capabilities destroys the moral values and due to this sex crimes are increased. The movie channels on satellite transmission and cable TV Network channels provide movies and dramas with full of glamour, fashion and sex motivating scenes which causes to damage the peaceful life. In movies, the violence containing scenes produce great effect on young people, they also try to react like that they had been seen in the movies.]

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