Mass Incarceration In Criminal Justice -

Mass Incarceration In Criminal Justice

Mass Incarceration In Criminal Justice - think

It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Systemic Racism Use this research guide to explore different manifestations of systemic racism in America. Prison-Industrial Complex Overview by Alberto Gutierrez on the prison-industrial complex, which refers to the economic interrelation between prisons and the various public and private job sectors that have become dependent on the expansion of the prison system. The film follows the Bland family and legal team from the first weeks after her death as they try to find out what really happened in that jail cell in Texas. Embedded with the family and their lawyers, the filmmakers tracked the story for two years, drawing on key documents, jail footage and interviews with those closest to the events. As African Americans won political office across the country and the black middle class made progress, larger economic and political forces isolated the black urban poor. When Barack Obama was elected president in , many hoped that America had finally transcended racism. By the time of his second victory, however, it was clear that many issues, including true racial equality, remain to be resolved. Mass Incarceration In Criminal Justice

While most people can agree that having violent criminals on the Justtice is not a good idea, minds are starting to change when it comes to the notion that every criminal should be behind bars, and for as long as possible. The indisputable fact is, the criminal justice system is seriously flawed, resulting in unjust outcomes for people of color and those with limited financial means. After years of insufferable inequities, the time for change is now. For anyone who might still think the criminal justice system is doing a great job, consider the following:.

Mass Incarceration In Criminal Justice

The impact of race on the ability to achieve justice has been well documented. Implicit bias affects every stage of the system, including the reasons for an arrest, the opportunities for assistance, the treatment by employees in the criminal justice system, and the weight of the sentence. Racial profiling, disparate laws such as those related to Crack and Cocaine mandatory minimum sentences, and pure racism impact the outcomes suffered by people of color every day in this country.

Mass Incarceration In Criminal Justice

Unfortunately, Las Vegas has an ugly history related to these issues, and, although efforts at reform have emerged in the past decade, there is still a lot of work Mass Incarceration In Criminal Justice be done. Those who cannot afford to pay for adequate investigations and legal counsel never mind being able to bail out while waiting for trial tend to be wrongfully convicted and are frequently given longer sentences.

And yes, more often than not, those are people of color. At Lobo Law, our experienced Las Vegas criminal defense lawyers are motivated by the fight for justice. Have you or a loved one been given the raw end of the deal by the criminal justice system, or do you fear inequities moving forward? Let us help. Contact our Las Vegas office today to schedule a confidential consultation. Charge: Driving Under the Influence while also being undocumented.

Received a reduced charge sentence by the Superior Court of California. Attempt murder charges were dismissed and case negotiated to possession of a firearm by a prohibited person.

Background Information

State dismissed the charges. Lobo and her team are outstanding passionate and care very deeply about the success of her clients. When I walked in the office it was the first Adrian Lobo represented me my first criminal case ever.

I needed immediate legal assistance to solve They are Amazing, Smart, efficient and loyal to there clients.

Mass Incarceration In Criminal Justice

I never felt like lawyers All rights reserved. This law firm website and legal marketing is managed by MileMark Media.

Close Menu. Mass Incarceration: The Civil Rights Issue of our Time While most people can agree that having violent criminals on the streets is not a good idea, minds are starting to change when it comes to the notion that every criminal should be behind bars, and for as long as possible. Resources: eji. By Lobo Law Posted on November 19, State v. Individual, I would rate her a 10 stars if Https:// could! Amazing in every way.]

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