Mapping The Mind Body Divide -

Mapping The Mind Body Divide

Mapping The Mind Body Divide Video

Why there is no mind/body problem: Joe Cruz at TEDxWilliamsCollege Mapping The Mind Body Divide.

Ahead of the election, we have stories about people trying to live in the unreality that defines this moment. Stories about people who are worried — or not worried enough! The not-often-talked-about realm of licensing boards, and the disturbing decisions they sometimes make. Now it's here.

Mapping The Mind Body Divide

This week, stories from the surf and sand. As China's new national security law tightens its control over Hong Kong, we return to our episode about last fall's anti-government protests and check in to see how people are responding.


She's great at it. But then, her niece goes missing.

Mapping The Mind Body Divide

Our favorite stories from the football fields, boxing rings, and basketball courts of days past. During a time when a lot of us feel like we are living in a holding pattern, stories of people feeling stuck.

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Desperate to know what happened to his family, a man obsessively decodes the only information about them he can get. Stories of people trying to rise to Mqpping challenge presented by coronavirus, in some pretty extreme situations. People looking everywhere to find a place—any place—where, for once, they don't have to be the odd man out. In these dark times, we attempt some radical counterprogramming: a show made up entirely of stories about delight.

Mapping The Mind Body Divide

There's a lot that can be gained from unearthing the past. Reports from the frontlines of the Trump administration's "Remain in Mexico" asylum policy. For over days now, protestors in Hong Kong have taken to the streets every weekend.

Take Notes

Stories of people who decide the only way forward — for real change — is to burn everything to the ground. Two people, sitting down over a beer, hashing out their differences. Hard to imagine these days, right?]

One thought on “Mapping The Mind Body Divide

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