John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation -

John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation - opinion you

John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation Bowlby believed that maternal behaviour was instinctive in humans as it appears to be in animals. Mothers and their babies form an instinctive attachment to each other using genetically inherited skills such as smiling, grasping, crying and so on. He believed that when the close bond between child- mother is disturbed, it can bring potentially harming consequeses to their emotional, intellectual and social development. Bowlby considered that it was essential that the child and mother to form a bond, as he argued that when the child — mother were seperated between. Attachment is the emotional tie to a parent that an infant experiences, giving the child security. John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation

John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation Essay

I will then discuss the origins of attachment theory, with giving an overview of what attachment theory consists of. Further I will give a brief account of how Mary John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation researched attachment and her outcomes and classifications, which strengthened and widened the theory. Finally I will discuss how this theory is used within social work settingstogether with influencing policy initiatives. A brief overview is given regarding the ethical approach used together with its relevance to anti discriminatory practise. Bowlby initially began his career as a child psychiatrist, which later led him to undertake training at the British Psychoanalytic Institute.

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This was his first empirical study to be undertaken. He examined cases of maladjusted children in a school. Bowlby then linked the children who were committing petty crime, also suffered with affectionless emotions. Thus making him believe that, humans are also born with tendencies to naturally promote attachment. The main concepts which Bowlby mainly focused on was; monotropy a tendency to attach to one particular care giver usually the mother.

Bowlby had distinguished four categories that consisted in attachment.

John Bowlby's Maternal Deprivation Theory

The proximity Maintenance: Desire to be near the people we are attached to. Safe Haven: Returning to the attachment figure for comfort and safety in the face of fear or threat Secure Base: The attachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the Boqlby environment. Separation Distress: Anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment figure. This type is un common, John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation a result of poor maternal availability. Delivering a high-quality product at a reasonable price is not enough anymore. This describes us perfectly. Make sure that this guarantee is totally transparent. Each paper is composed from scratch, according to your instructions.

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