Jan Lokpal Bill - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Jan Lokpal Bill - opinion

User Name. Sun 11 22 In an exclusive interview, writer Arundhati Roy said there are serious concerns about the Jan Lokpal Bill, corporate funding, NGOs and even the role of the media. The Anna Hazare anti-corruption movement has thrown up multiple voices. Many have been supportive of the movement, but there have been some who have been sceptical and raised doubts about the movement as well. One of these sceptical voices is writer Arundhati Roy who now joins us. Thanks very much indeed for joining us. In your article in 'The Hindu' published on August 21, entitled 'I'd rather not be Anna', you've raised many doubts about the Anna Hazare campaign. Now that the movement is over and the crowds have come and we've seen the massive size of those crowds, do you continue to be sceptical? And if so, why? Jan Lokpal Bill

The authority visited the premises of the Petitioner to carry out search proceedings and issued a summon to appear before the authority with the provisional balance sheet.


The Petitioner did not appear and the authority Bilk the search and seized the purchase and sale files, laptop, etc. The Petitioner filed writ petition apprehending that if they approached the authority, they would be arrested under Section 69 of the CGST Act. Such power should be used sparingly and only on substantive weighty grounds and reasons.

Basu v.

Lokpal Bill: Aruna Roy for“broad, public consultation”

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