Information Security And The Digital Realm -

Information Security And The Digital Realm Video

Raisina 2019 - Trust in Tech: A New Framework for Digital Security and Prosperity Information Security And The Digital Realm Information Security And The Digital Realm Information Security And The Digital Realm

This follows on from Microsoft research earlier this year article source looked at cyber threats to public and private organisations. It also updates previous studies conducted by Microsoft in andbut with an additional focus on the security impact of COVID, work-related practises now and in future.

That research showed that nearly a quarter of organisations employing over staff did not put any restrictions on employees access when working from home. However, this naturally creates new risks, including an increased risk of cyber-attacks. However, one in five employees feels their data is more vulnerable when working from home due to the absence of regular IT supports.

One of the most concerning findings is that organisations are potentially side-stepping their own security procedures in the name of expediency:. The report identified an escalation in both the level and sophistication of attacks. For example:. They have become adept at evolving their techniques to increase success rates, whether by experimenting with different phishing lures, adjusting the types of attacks they execute Rewlm finding new ways to hide their work.

While our physical work locations may have changed, our responsibilities in protecting organisational data and complying to data regulations have not.

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Now is the time to address this with increased investment in cybersecurity, secure devices, tighter policies, increased support, and education for employees so they can play an important role in not only protecting themselves but also their organisations. As Reapm result of the move to remote working, employers are focused on investment in digital security.

Information Security And The Digital Realm

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Information Security And The Digital Realm

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