Impact Of Space On The Space Industry -

Impact Of Space On The Space Industry

Impact Of Space On The Space Industry Video

SpaceX Business Model - Disrupting the Space Industry Impact Of Space On The Space Industry

Our problem, of course, is that most of the companies making the most exciting strides in space exploration and Impadt -- companies like SpaceX with its reusable rockets, Rocket Lab and its growing string of successful small rocket launches, and Planet with its constellation satellites snapping photos of Earth from orbit -- remain privately held.

Impact Of Space On The Space Industry

For the time being, however, an investor's choice of the top stocks to invest in space remains positively tiny. Tiny, but not nonexistent. While we wait for the here private companies to make an IPOhere are three top space stocks that you can add to your watchlist today. Let's start with an oldie but a goody.

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Established inthe company that now calls itself Aerojet Rocketdyne NYSE:AJRD is still America's foremost maker of rocket engines -- both the kinds that Oj spaceships into orbit, and those that potentially send nuclear missiles to their targets. Aerojet Rocketdyne engines also power the second and third stages on America's fleet of Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as the Navy's Trident II D5 nuclear missiles. The main knock against Aerojet, of course, is source it's considered a slow growth company.

Impact Of Space On The Space Industry

Https://, unlike Aerojet, Iridium faces little competition in its chosen "L-Band" spectrum for transmitting satellite phone signals. New competitors in satellite communication, such as SpaceX's Starlink and Amazon 's Kuiper, have to lease wavelengths in the shorter K-Band spectrum. Second, while SpaceX and Amazon are still building out their satellite constellations, Iridium has already completed its constellation of 75 "NEXT" satellites in orbit. For the next 12 the satellites' rated service life to 30 their likely actual usability years, the company shouldn't need to add to its constellation, allowing Iridium to generate strong free cash flow without the need to make significant new capital investments.

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Although apparently pricey at 28 times trailing free cash flow today, Iridium's FCF is likely to grow significantly in coming years, giving it the Inustry to turn into a value stock in time. The exact opposite of a value stock, Virgin Galactic is a company whose value is premised upon the potential for exponential growth as it creates -- eventually -- a new industry for "space tourism.

Of course, the key word here is "eventually," because so far, Virgin Galactic has not flown a single paying customer to space -- ever. Virgin Galactic has proven that its SpaceShipTwo suborbital spaceplanes are capable of reaching space, however, and it has signed up paying customers who to fly on its spaceplanes as soon as they are approved for commercial operation. A Impact Of Space On The Space Industry 9, potential customers have also registered interest in flying with Virgin Galactic at a future date.

Impact Of Space On The Space Industry

And yet, space tourism isn't the end of Virgin Galactic's plans. Eventually, it believes that the same technology that permits it to fly tourists to the edge of space can be used to fly commercial airplane passengers there too -- and then to keep on flying up there, at hypersonic speeds, before landing somewhere else, dramatically increasing the speed of point-to-point commercial air travel. How much could that kind of a business be worth to Virgin Galactic?]

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