Last September, President Donald Trump signed an executive order ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA program begun by President Barack Obama inwhich prevented individuals who had illegally entered the United States as children from being deported although not providing them with legal status and allowed them to apply for work permits. On Thursdaya bipartisan group of senators put forward a deal that would provide DACA recipients with legal status and eventually a path to citizenship, while also increasing funding for border security and significantly modifying the diversity lottery visa system.
Immigration And Immigration Reform
The plan met opposition from the White House, but nevertheless represents significant progress toward resolving the status of theDACA recipients. The negotiations over DACA also reveal a troubling trend, however: an increasingly exclusive focus on undocumented immigrants, particularly on what to do with those already present in the U. The two ought to be considered together, since one of the primary divers of illegal immigration is the lack of available visa programs for many who seek to immigrate to the U. Immigration Reform Of The United States a comprehensive approach to immigration has been absent from recent discussions. This has Imigration the door to arguments, once marginal in the immigration debate, in favor of restricting legal immigration to the U. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Sen.
Unted Perdue of Georgia, proposes eliminating visas for siblings and adult children of U. Family reunification visas permit U. The reality, however, is that the number of family reunification visas is limited by a quota each year, and the relatives of immigrants have to go through the same process as anyone else, often taking several years. Previous attempts at immigration reform took a comprehensive approach, recognizing that addressing the problem of illegal immigration required making it easier for people to immigrate to the United States legally.
This argument was successfully used as a line of attack against Sen.

Marco Rubio of Florida, who was one of the sponsors of the bill, during the primaries. As a result, a comprehensive approach to immigration reform has since been a non-starter for most Republican lawmakers.
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In addition, since the Great Recession inthe net flow of undocumented migrants from Mexico has reversed, with more leaving the U. This shift has been caused by an improved economy in Mexico and slow growth in the Mexican labor supply. It has also been affected by shifts in enforcement in the U. This change in the net flow of undocumented migrants has arguably taken away some of the pressure for providing more legal avenues for immigrants.

Catholic teaching makes clear that immigration cannot be treated solely as a law enforcement issue, but rather must be addressed in a way that considers the dignity of each person and the common good. In the Immigrahion letter Strangers No Longer: Together On the Journey of Hopeco-written with the bishops of Mexico, they write that the increasing economic, social, and cultural integration that exists between the United States and Mexico and one might add the nations of Central America, as well necessitates reforms in the immigration system that facilitate the lawful movement of people between nations They propose a number of of the immigration system that would correct policies that harm families.
Immigration Reform
For example, they explain that per-country quotas on family reunification visas lead to lengthy wait times for family reunification visas, often lasting for years. For legal permanent residents, in particular, this can mean waiting many years to be reunited with a spouse or children. They propose reforming these quotas to better account for the demand for visas coming from Mexico and Central America In the changed political environment, it is unlikely that lawmakers would agree to expanding the paths to legal status through a guest worker program or increased family reunification quotas, for example.
Above all, they must show that immigration policy has to be rooted in the dignity of persons and the common good.]
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