Human Species Call Neoteny A Evolutionary Theory -

Human Species Call Neoteny A Evolutionary Theory Video

Ontogeny and Neoteny Human Species Call Neoteny A Evolutionary Theory.

The origin of the domestic dog includes the dog's genetic divergence from the wolf, its domesticationand its development into dog types and dog breeds. The dog is a member of the wolf-like canids and was the first species and the HHuman large carnivore to have been domesticated. The genetic divergence between dogs and wolves occurred between 20, and 40, years ago, just before or during the Last Glacial Maximum [6] [1] 20,—27, years ago.

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This timespan represents the upper time-limit for the commencement of domestication because it is the time of divergence but not the time of domestication, which occurred later. The archaeological record and genetic analysis show the Human Species Call Neoteny A Evolutionary Theory of Bonn-Oberkassel dog buried beside humans 14, years ago to be the first undisputed dog, with disputed remains occurring 36, years ago. The domestication of the dog predates agriculture. Six million years ago, towards the close of the Miocene era, the earth's climate gradually cooled.

This would lead to the glaciations of the Pliocene and the Pleistocenewhich are commonly referred to as the Ice Age. In many areas, forests and savannahs were replaced with steppes or grasslandsand only those species of creature that adapted to these changes would survive. In southern North Americasmall woodland foxes grew bigger and better adapted to running, and by the late Miocene the first of the genus Canis had arisen—the ancestors of coyoteswolves and the domestic dog.

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In eastern Africaa split occurred among the large primates. Some remained in the trees, while others came down from the trees, learned to walk upright, developed larger brains, and in the more open country learned to avoid predators while becoming predators themselves. The ancestors of humans and dogs would ultimately meet in Eurasia. Human hunter-gatherers did not live in fear of nature and knew that they posed a formidable risk to any potential predators.

Today, the Ju'wasi people of Namibia share their land with prides of lions.

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Both species coexist with respect and without fear or hostility in a relationship that may go back to the dawn of modern humans. The lion is a much larger and far more dangerous predator than the wolf.

Human Species Call Neoteny A Evolutionary Theory

Early modern humans entering Eurasia and first encountering packs of wolves may have been assisted in living among them because of the traditional beliefs of their African ancestors. In historical times, mutual respect and cooperation with canines can be found in the stories and traditions of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, East Asia, North America, and Australia.]

Human Species Call Neoteny A Evolutionary Theory

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