God Is No Proof That God Exists - amazonia.fiocruz.br

God Is No Proof That God Exists Video

How a Dice can show that God exists God Is No Proof That God Exists

This is part 2 of an essay that describes seven pieces of evidence for the existence of God. Although atheists and critics of God and the Bible assert that there is no evidence for God, the facts of history, science, and logic, impeach this idea.

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When we examine the evidence that does exists, we see that no person can factually argue that God has not left us with any evidence of His Being. If we listen to critics of the New Testament, we get the idea that a group of men got together and fabricated a myth about a Carpenter called Jesus from Nazareth.

If this assertion is true, then why do we find such a great body of evidence from the Old Testament that predicts a Messiah exactly like Jesus? Why did the Old Testament prophets write that when the Messiah arrived, He would be God living in the body of a man? How do I know this? They relied heavily upon what the Hebrew prophets wrote God Is No Proof That God Exists the Messiah.

God Is No Proof That God Exists

In other words, everything that these men documented for us in the New Testament had supporting verses of scripture from the Old Testament. The entire Old Testament predicts the exact type of Messiah that is presented to us in the New Testament by the narratives of Jesus. The New Testament relies heavily upon these Old Testament scriptures to prove to us that Jesus is the Messiah whom these scriptures predict. They were just as skeptical as we are today.

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The idea that the God who created the universe could be standing before them in the form of a man, was impossible. It was not until after they saw Jesus crucified and dead—placed in a tomb and risen from the dead—they believed. It was the resurrection that changed everything. We see in the New Testament, places where the writers say they saw Jesus, heard Him, and they are witnesses of all He said and did.

There are places in the New Testament where the writers say that Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead.

God Is No Proof That God Exists

Luke chapter 24, records the testimony of men who had been with Jesus from the beginning. Luke was a highly educated, Greek speaking Physician, who writes meticulously that Jesus met the disciples after He rose from the dead and told the disciples that all He had said and done was predicted by the https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/purdue-owl-research-paper/the-purpose-of-data-analysis.php.

He said these men Gof write their testimony immediately and send it to the world. There are six eyewitnesses who record His arrival in the New Testament. Are the prophets and the disciples all lying about Jesus? Is the entire Bible lying about Jesus? In order https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/woman-in-black-character-quotes/interpersonal-conflict-conflict-and-conflict.php believe this is true, we would have to accept that the 66 books of the Bible, written by 40 authors, over 1, year period of time, are all lying.

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How could this many men who lived over such a great expanse of history, all write about the same person, and then Jesus come and fulfill all of the predictions they wrote? When we examine other gods and religions, we see that their precepts and principles are drastically different from what we learn about Jesus in the New Testament. This is important because we find in this world that counterfeits are often God Is No Proof That God Exists to the genuine, but less-than, or incomplete in comparison. Allah is similar to the Hebrew God, Yahweh, but does not have a Son who took the body of a man and died for the sins of the world. A works-based salvation, Islam demands obedience in order for salvation to occur. In examining their scriptures, we see that the Koran teaches violence and death as acceptable methods for conversion. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing…but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful.

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others article source with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.]

One thought on “God Is No Proof That God Exists

  1. I perhaps shall simply keep silent

  2. Bravo, what necessary phrase..., a brilliant idea

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