Factors Caused By Recreational Scuba Diving And - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Factors Caused By Recreational Scuba Diving And Factors Caused By Recreational Scuba Diving And Factors Caused By Recreational Scuba Diving And

Human factors are the physical or cognitive properties of individuals, or social behavior which is specific to humans, and influence functioning of Bj systems as well as human-environment equilibria. The safety of underwater diving operations can be improved by reducing the frequency of human error and the consequences when it does occur. Dive safety is primarily a function of four factors: the environment, equipment, individual diver performance and dive team performance.

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The water is a harsh and alien environment which can impose severe physical and psychological stress on a diver. Scyba remaining factors must be controlled and coordinated so the diver can overcome the stresses imposed by the underwater environment and work safely. Diving equipment is crucial because it provides life support to the diver, but the majority of dive accidents are caused by individual diver panic and an associated degradation of the individual diver's performance. Blumenberg, [1]. Human error is inevitable and most errors are minor and do not cause significant harm, but others can have catastrophic consequences.

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A study by William P. Morgan indicates that over half of all divers in the survey had experienced panic underwater at some time during their diving career. Link frequently leads to errors in a diver's judgment or performance, and may result in an accident. Human error and panic are considered to be the leading causes of dive accidents and fatalities.

Factors Caused By Recreational Scuba Diving And

Only 4. The remaining fatalities probably arose as a result of a progressive sequence of events involving two or more procedural errors or equipment failures, and since procedural errors are generally avoidable by a Facfors, intelligent and alert diver, working in an organised structure, and not under excessive stress, it was concluded that the low accident rate in commercial Scuba diving is due to this factor.

There are considerations associated with each of these factors relating specifically to diving.

Factors Caused By Recreational Scuba Diving And

Humans function underwater by virtue of technology, as our physiology is poorly adapted to the environment. Human factors are significant in diving because Factors Caused By Recreational Scuba Diving And this harsh and alien environment, and because diver life support systems and other equipment that may be required to perform specific tasks depend on technology that is designed, operated and maintained by humans, and because human factors are cited as significant contributors to diving accidents in most accident investigations [12]. Professional diving is a means to accomplish a wide range of activities underwater in a normally inaccessible and potentially hazardous environment.

While working underwater, divers are subjected to high levels of physical and psychological stress due to environmental conditions and the limitations of the life support systems, as well as the rigours of the task at hand.


Unmanned remotely operated vehicles ROV's allow performance of a variety of tasks at almost any depths for extended periods, but there are still many essential underwater tasks which can only be performed or are most effectively performed by a diver.

A diver is still the most versatile underwater tool, but also the most unpredictable, and his own behaviour may threaten his safety. Recreational, or sport divers, including technical divers, dive for entertainment, and are usually motivated by a desire to explore and witness, though there is no distinct division between the underwater activities of recreational and professional divers. The primary distinction is that legal obligations and protection are significantly different, [13] [14] and this is reflected in organisational structure and procedures.]

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