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Election Cycle Is By No Means Normal

Election Cycle Is By No Means Normal Video

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Election Cycle Is By No Means Normal - pity, that

And they are calling themselves "The Force. Salazar is part of the most diverse freshman Republican class in history with eight members who identify as a person of color or minority. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with what they say is a message against socialism. And how do I know? I can tell you what is going to be next. In , Democrats elected progressive women who became known for challenging the establishment. Election Cycle Is By No Means Normal

Now the two Republican members of the County Board read more Canvassers want to rescind the certification:. In affidavits signed Wednesday evening, the two GOP members of the four-member Wayne County Board of Canvassers allege that they were improperly pressured into certifying the election and accused Democrats of reneging on a promise to audit votes in Detroit. Palmer and Hartmann said in their affidavits that they believed they had a firm commitment to an audit.

But as noted yesterday, even if the county board had stalemated or been unable to certify the results, the whole matter would automatically be transferred to the Election Cycle Is By No Means Normal Board of Canvassers to evaluate for themselves. The board of state canvassers shall meet immediately and make the necessary determinations and certify the results within the 10 days immediately following the receipt of the records from the board of county canvassers. Then again, this quartet has probably never faced a situation quite like this before. Every canvassing board in the state consists of two Democrats and two Republicans. The other three members of the state board are a staff attorney for Republicans in the state house and a former assistant prosecutor, the recording secretary of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 58 and former vice president of the Metro Detroit AFL-CIO, and a retired political coordinator for the American Federation of Teachers in Michigan.

The problem is that people with strong political affiliations or views are often the only ones interested in doing the work required to oversee and run elections.


Gore then sued Harris because all of the recounts had not been completed when she certified the results. However, the U.

Election Cycle Is By No Means Normal

Note the distinction, which most Democrats prefer not to remember, as it means Justices Stephen Breyer Iss David Souter agreed that the Bush campaign had a legitimate argument about only recounting the groups of ballots most advantageous to Gore. The U. Supreme Court decision meant that the original certification by Katherine Harris remained in place.

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So, yes, the Florida Supreme Court reversed the certification. A lot of judges will see a court order barring the certification of election results as disenfranchising every voter in the state.

Election Cycle Is By No Means Normal

So, is it possible that some state supreme court will rule that the certification deadline must be pushed back? Is it likely? No, not at all. The Electoral College formally votes on December So the real deadline is December 8.

Three reforms we need right now.

Since President Trump delivered his remarks at a. Other than that, he has had no public events scheduled.

Election Cycle Is By No Means Normal

Voters fill out their ballots at a polling station on Election Day in Detroit, Mich.]

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