Egoism vs Altruism -

Egoism vs Altruism Video

Aggression vs. Altruism: Crash Course Psychology #40

Egoism vs Altruism - were

We can clearly define concepts like egoism, selfishness, and selfless altruism when we look at our everyday decisions from a game-theoretic perspective. Think of every possible interaction between people as a game where each party can either win or lose. This gives us the following grid with four possible outcomes:. A positive-sum game is the ideal situation to aim for when making decisions. Any outcome we can honestly frame as win-win is objectively good, and so is every action that leads to a win-win outcome. Unfortunately, our egos often prevent us from adopting such an abundance mindset. In common parlance, this is also called being an asshole. Egoism vs Altruism Egoism vs Altruism

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Egoism vs Altruism

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