Disadvantages Of Chemotherapy - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Disadvantages Of Chemotherapy - logically

Chemotherapy is a treatment process where chemo rays are used to treat the patient. It is normally provided to the cancer affected patients. These rays are really strong which can help the cancer affected patient. But the patient who cannot withstand the pressure of chemo therapy may be severely ill. It is important to go ahead with the test to find out whether the person can withstand the effect of the chemotherapy. Let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages about chemotherapy. Many people suffering from cancer has achieved good result with the help of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is an effective drug treatment used to kill cancer cells by stopping their ability to grow and divide. Chemotherapy uses medicines to attack the cancer cells. Chemotherapy is administered intravenously, when the medicine goes directly in the veins. Disadvantages Of Chemotherapy Disadvantages Of Chemotherapy

Disadvantages Of Chemotherapy Video

Chemotherapy side effects - The side effects for Angie - Cancer Research UK

Background: The use of central venous lines carries a significant risk for serious complications and high economic costs. Lately, the peripherally inserted central venous catheter PICC has gained in popularity due to presumed advantages over other central venous lines.

Disadvantages of a strong immune system, boosting immune system during chemo

The aim of this systematic literature review was to identify scientific evidence justifying the use of PICC. Material and methods: The literature review was performed according to the principles of Cochrane Collaboration.

Disadvantages Of Chemotherapy

The electronic literature search included common databases up to March Only those studies rated as high or moderate quality were used for grading of evidence and conclusions. Results: The search resulted in abstracts, 48 articles were read in full text, and 11 met the inclusion criteria.

Disadvantages Of Chemotherapy

None of the articles was classified as high quality and two had moderate quality. The results of https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/work-experience-programme/ethical-decision-making-models-transcultural-and-practitioner.php two studies indicate that PICC increases the risk for deep venous thrombosis DVTbut decreases the risk for catheter occlusion. The quality of scientific evidence behind these conclusions, however, was limited.

Publication types

Due to the lack of studies with sufficiently high quality, questions such as early complications, patient satisfaction and costs could not be answered. Abstract Background: The use of central venous lines carries a significant risk for serious complications and high economic costs.

Disadvantages Of Chemotherapy

Publication types Research Support, Non-U. Gov't Review Systematic Review.]

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