Diabetes Mellitus Dm - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Diabetes Mellitus Dm - happens

Diabetes mellitus DM , commonly known as diabetes , is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin , or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced. Type 1 diabetes must be managed with insulin injections. The classic symptoms of untreated diabetes are unintended weight loss , polyuria increased urination , polydipsia increased thirst , and polyphagia increased hunger. Several other signs and symptoms can mark the onset of diabetes although they are not specific to the disease. In addition to the known ones above, they include blurred vision , headache , fatigue , slow healing of cuts , and itchy skin. Diabetes Mellitus Dm Diabetes Mellitus Dm

Diabetes mellitus DM frequency is a growing problem worldwide, because of long life expectancy and life style modifications. DM complications and co-morbidities are more frequent in old diabetics compared to their young counterparts.

Diabetes Mellitus Dm

The most frequent are cardiovascular diseases due to old age and to precocious atherosclerosis specific to DM and the most bothersome are visual and cognitive impairments, especially Alzheimer disease and other kind of dementia. Alzheimer disease seems to share the same risk factors as DM, which means insulin resistance due to lack of physical activity and eating disorders. Visual and physical handicaps, depression, and memory troubles are a barrier to care for DM treatment. For this, old diabetics are now classified into two main categories as fit and independent old people able to take any available medication, exactly as their young or middle age Diabetes Mellitus Dm, and fragile or frail persons for whom physical activity, healthy diet, and medical treatment should be individualized according to the presence or lack of cognitive impairment and other co-morbidities.

Diabetes mellitus DM is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia and high glycated hemoglobin[ 123 ] with or without glycosuria. Glucose metabolism disorder GMD results from a defect in insulin secretion by the pancreas, insulin action on the target tissues or Diabetes Mellitus Dm resistanceor both.

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DM prevalence, in general, is growing worldwide,[ 78 ] and is becoming an epidemic and endemic problem with the social and economic burden. The elderly is a heterogeneous group with different physiological profiles and varying functional capabilities and life expectancy. People with postprandial or postloading glycemia between 1.

The definition of elderly is a subject of controversies. That one varies according to genetic Diabetes Mellitus Dm, environmental factors and presence or lack of morbidities such as DM, high blood pressure, arthritis or other rheumatologic diseases, obesity, cognitive dysfunction, renal insufficiency, and heart failure.

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For this, the international diabetes federation IDF divides old patients into three functional groups. The here category includes patients who are functionally independent and rely on their own.

In this group, DM may be the only medical problem or be associated with some diseases which are not life-threatening. The second category is composed Dibetes patients who are not autonomous which means they are functionally dependent on someone else. This group is subdivided into two subcategories: Frail patients and patients with cognitive impairment. The second subcategory includes patients with dementia, which means they have cognitive impairment and are unable to self-care. This category is at increased risk for both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia poor control. The third group includes patients at the end Diabetes Mellitus Dm life care. These persons have a significant medical illness article source malignancy.

Consequently, they have a short life expectancy. The aim of our study was to review relevant Diabeyes recent full articles about DM in old people in order to focus on epidemiology, physiopathology of type 2 DM in old people, clinical manifestations, complications, and therapeutic aspects. Type 1 DM is exceptional in elderly as auto immune diseases affect young populations. So old people with type 1 DM are practically at the end stage of their disease and are Meplitus complicated. Most people over than 60 years old suffer from type 2 DM due to insulin resistance. However, insulin secretion may be severely reduced at the end stage of type 2 DM.

Consequently, complications, and management of DM Diabetes Mellitus Dm elderly vary according to hyperglycemia duration, personal background, and co-morbidities. Some old people do not have any complication and are easy to manage; others are multi complicated and have additional severe diseases difficult to treat even in highly specialized centers. The last group is encountered among survivors of Diabetes Mellitus Dm onset DM. The main troublesome co-morbidities in elderly are heart and kidney insufficiencies leading to limitation in medicine prescription.

Diabetes Mellitus Dm

Elderly type 2 DM is apparently due to several mechanisms among which one can cite genetic background, long life expectancy leading to a decrease in insulin secretion, and the modification of some environmental factors responsible for central obesity. The last one is responsible for insulin resistance,[ 22 ] which is the main cause of metabolic syndrome and type 2 DM in adults and old people. The lack of physical activity added to eating disorders characterizing modern life style is the most incriminated factors. However, some recent studies have also demonstrated the role of other factors such Diabetes Mellitus Dm arginine vasopressin AVP or its c-terminal fragment, called Copeptin, in the mechanism of DM go here older people via lower insulin sensitivity.

In old people, Vitamin D deficiency seems to be an additional factor, as some authors think Vitamin D deficiency is a link between osteoporosis, insulin resistance,[ 25 Diabetes Mellitus Dm obesity, DM,[ 2627 ] and cognitive impairment, especially Alzheimer disease.]

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