Demography Of Dementia And Alzheimer s Disease -

Demography Of Dementia And Alzheimer s Disease Video

Stages of dementia and Alzheimer's disease - Mental health - NCLEX-RN - Khan Academy Demography Of Dementia And Alzheimer s Disease

Novel treatments could emerge from increased access to data by researchers

We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. There are more than subtypes of dementia but the most common type in the UK is Alzheimer's disease. It is thought to be caused by the abnormal build-up of proteins in Dementiz around brain cells.

Progressive memory loss is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease but it is not the only warning sign.

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It could signal onset of dementia. It adds: "They may Diwease anxious, depressed or more easily annoyed. According to the NHS, it's best to see your GP if you're worried about your memory or are having problems with planning and organising. The exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is not yet fully understood, although a number of things are thought to increase your risk of developing the condition.

By leading a healthy lifestyle and taking regular exercise you will keep both your heart and brain healthy. Some research suggests that enjoying an active social life, with lots of interests and hobbies, might offer some protection against Alzheimer's. In addition, the latest research suggests that other factors are also important, although this does not mean these factors are directly responsible for causing dementia.

Demography Of Dementia And Alzheimer s Disease

When symptoms do eventually appear, they are often mild at first. But as more brain cells are damaged over time, the symptoms become increasingly disruptive. According to the Alzheimer's Society ASit is common to experience problems with orientation.

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Alzheimer's disease: Symptoms include problems with orientation Image: Getty Images. Other symptoms include: Speech — they may repeat themselves or struggle to follow a conversation Seeing things in three dimensions and judging distances visuospatial skills — going up or down stairs or parking the car might become much harder concentrating, planning or organising — they may struggle with making decisions, solving problems or carrying out a sequence Demrntia tasks such as cooking a meal.

Demography Of Dementia And Alzheimer s Disease

How to respond According to the NHS, it's best to see your GP if you're worried about your memory or are having problems with planning and organising. As it explains, it's often very helpful having a friend or family member there.

Demography Of Dementia And Alzheimer s Disease

Am I at risk? To keep healthy: Be active and exercise regularly Do not smoke Eat a healthy balanced diet Control high blood pressure Keep cholesterol at a healthy level Maintain a healthy weight Only drink alcohol within recommended limits. Alzheimer's: Looking after your heart health may reduce your risk Image: Getty Images. Staying mentally and socially active has been linked to a lower risk of dementia. Other lesser-known risk factors include: Hearing loss Untreated depression though depression can also be one of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Does your partner make these language errors? It could signal dementia The hidden sign of early dementia symptoms in the way you speak Do you smell that? If you start to smell it may signal dementia. Alzheimer's Dementia Heart Disease Stroke.]

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