Dementia Cerebrum and High Blood Pressure -

Dementia Cerebrum and High Blood Pressure

Dementia Cerebrum and High Blood Pressure Video

How lowering your blood pressure could reduce your risk of dementia Dementia Cerebrum and High Blood Pressure.

Background and Purpose- Blood pressure BP variability may increase the risk of stroke and dementia.

Dementia Cerebrum and High Blood Pressure

It remains inconclusive whether BP variability is associated with cerebral small vessel disease, a common and potentially devastating subclinical disease that contributes significantly to both stroke and dementia. Methods- A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies that examined the association between BP variability and the presence or progression of established markers of cerebral small vessel disease, including white matter hyperintensities, lacunes, and microbleeds on magnetic resonance imaging.

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Ten studies met the criteria for qualitative synthesis and 7 could be included in the meta-analysis. Data were synthetized using random-effect models. A one SD increase in systolic BP variability was associated with increased odds of the presence or progression of white matter hyperintensities odds ratio, 1. The association of systolic BP variability with the presence of lacunes odds ratio, 0.

Dementia Cerebrum and High Blood Pressure

Conclusions- A larger BP variability may be associated with a higher risk of having a higher burden of white matter hyperintensities. Targeting large BP variability has the potential to prevent cerebral small vessel disease and thereby reducing the risk of stroke and dementia.

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The potential issue of reverse causation and the heterogeneity in the assessment of cerebral small vessel disease markers should be better addressed in future studies. Keywords: blood pressure; cerebral small vessel diseases; cohort studies; magnetic resonance imaging; systematic review. Abstract Background and Purpose- Blood pressure BP variability may increase the risk of stroke and dementia.

Gov't Systematic Review.]

Dementia Cerebrum and High Blood Pressure

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