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Nanotechnology or " nanotech " is the use of matter on an atomicmolecularand supramolecular scale for industrial purposes.
The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology referred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology. This definition reflects the fact that quantum mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale, and so the definition shifted from a particular technological goal to Current Methods Use to Promote the Library research category inclusive of all types of research and technologies that deal with the special properties of matter which occur below the given size threshold.
It is therefore common to see the plural form "nanotechnologies" as well as "nanoscale technologies" to refer to the broad range of research and applications whose common trait is size. Nanotechnology as defined by size is naturally broad, including fields of science as diverse as surface scienceorganic chemistrymolecular biologyCuurrent physicsenergy storage[3] [4] engineering tto, [5] microfabrication[6] and molecular engineering. Scientists currently debate the future implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applicationssuch as in nanomedicinenanoelectronicsbiomaterials energy production, and consumer products.
On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as any new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, [9] and their potential effects on global economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday scenarios.

These concerns have led to a debate among advocacy groups and governments on whether special regulation of nanotechnology is warranted. The concepts that seeded nanotechnology were first discussed in by renowned physicist Richard Feynman in his talk There's Plenty of Room at the Tpin which he described Current Methods Use to Promote the Library possibility of synthesis via direct manipulation of atoms. The term "nano-technology" was first used by Norio Taniguchi inthough it was not widely known. Inspired by Feynman's concepts, K. Eric Drexler used the term "nanotechnology" in his Librsry Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnologywhich proposed the idea of a nanoscale "assembler" which would be able to build a copy of itself and of other items of arbitrary complexity with atomic control. Also inDrexler co-founded The Foresight Institute with which he is no longer affiliated to help increase public awareness and understanding of nanotechnology concepts and implications.
The emergence of nanotechnology as a field in the s occurred through convergence of Drexler's theoretical and public work, which developed and popularized a conceptual framework for nanotechnology, and high-visibility experimental advances that drew additional wide-scale attention to the prospects of atomic control of matter.
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Since the popularity spike in the s, most of nanotechnology has involved investigation of several approaches to making mechanical devices out article source a small number of atoms. In the s, two major breakthroughs sparked the growth of Metods in modern era. First, the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in which provided unprecedented visualization of individual atoms and bonds, and was successfully used to manipulate individual atoms in In the early s, the field garnered increased scientific, political, and commercial attention that led to both controversy and progress. Controversies emerged regarding the definitions and potential implications of nanotechnologies, exemplified by the Royal Society 's report on nanotechnology. Meanwhile, commercialization of products based on advancements in nanoscale technologies began emerging. These products are limited to bulk applications of nanomaterials and do not involve atomic control of matter.

Some examples include the Silver Nano platform for using silver nanoparticles as an antibacterial agent, nanoparticle -based transparent sunscreens, carbon fiber strengthening using silica nanoparticles, and carbon nanotubes Current Methods Use to Promote the Library stain-resistant textiles. Governments moved to promote and fund research into nanotechnology, such as in the U.
By the mids new and serious scientific attention began to flourish. Projects emerged to produce nanotechnology roadmaps [28] [29] which center on atomically precise manipulation of matter and discuss existing and projected capabilities, goals, and applications. The top five organizations that published the most scientific papers on nanotechnology research between and were the Chinese Academy of SciencesRussian Academy of SciencesCentre national Livrary la recherche scientifiqueUniversity of Tokyo and Osaka University.
Nanotechnology is engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This covers both current work and concepts that are more advanced. In its original sense, nanotechnology refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products. By comparison, typical carbon-carbon bond lengthsMethlds the spacing between these atoms in a moleculeare in the range 0. By convention, nanotechnology is taken as Cugrent scale range 1 to nm following the definition used by the National Nanotechnology Initiative in the US. The lower limit is set by the size of atoms hydrogen has the smallest atoms, which are approximately a quarter of a nm kinetic diameter since nanotechnology must build its devices from atoms and molecules.]
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