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Cultural Competence In Nursing

Cultural Competence In Nursing - site

As in all writing assignments, use APA Style formatting to cite your sources in your paper and provide references for the citations. Provide an overview introduction of cultural competence in nursing practice in the first paragraph of the paper. Identify how culturally competent care is fundamental to the practice of nursing. Identify and discuss the relationship between cultural competency and diversity, as well as patient- and family-centered care. Provide an example from your experiences in nursing. Recommendations for providing health promotion activities for a selected population. Include conclusion to the paper. The course text may only be used as one 1 reference; two 2 additional credible references must also be included. Writing skills, grammar, spelling, style, and adherence to APA format in a page paper excluding title and reference page.

Cultural Competence In Nursing - not absolutely

October 26, Staff Writers. The number of nurses with advanced degrees has increased, and more minority students are finding a place in healthcare professions. Despite these developments, the American healthcare system has struggled to establish a universal standard for culturally competent care. Part of the problem is that ethnicities and genders have long been underrepresented in the healthcare workforce. Meanwhile, the United States as a whole is becoming a majority-minority nation. While is still decades away, the cultural gap already exists and has proven unfavorable for the health of minorities.

Write 6—7 pages in which you examine cultural competencies necessary to be successful in a culturally diverse work environment, along with what skills are required to develop cultural competency. Most occupations involve working with people from different cultural backgrounds. These individuals may be coworkers, clients, students, supervisors, or subordinates.

Cultural Competency in Action

In order to be successful, it is important to develop the ability to work with people from different cultures, that is, to develop cultural competence. The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context.

Cultural Competence In Nursing

For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom. The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:.

Cultural Competence In Nursing

Does not explain how you would use the five-factor model to help develop better cultural competence. Lists how you would use the five-factor model to help develop better cultural competence. Explains how you would use the five-factor model to help develop better cultural competence.

Cultural Competence In Nursing

Analyzes how you would use the five-factor model to help develop better cultural competence. Describe the cultural competencies necessary to be successful in a culturally diverse work environment.

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Does not describe the cultural competencies necessary to be successful in a culturally diverse work environment. Lists the cultural competencies necessary to be successful in a culturally diverse work environment. Describes the cultural competencies necessary to be successful in a culturally diverse work environment.]

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