Communism Utopia Or Dystopia -

Communism Utopia Or Dystopia Video

Communism Utopia Or Dystopia. Communism Utopia Or Dystopia

Post a Comment. Who would like to live in the dystopia that George Orwell has described in ? I believe that there are a large number of people who are read article full of hate and anger that they constantly dream of dragging all of humanity into a society where everything is shabby, Communism Utopia Or Dystopia, and corrupt, and a supreme leader called Big Brother is worshipped as the one true god; where the elite section of the population is under constant surveillance, and faces an insane amount of discipline, draconian austerities and restrictions, and the threat of arrest, brutal torture, and execution.

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Only the proles enjoy a limited amount of freedom because they are too immoral, unambitious, and ignorant to be a threat to the Commjnism are allowed to live and rot in squalid slums built on the fringes of the cities. No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.]

Communism Utopia Or Dystopia

One thought on “Communism Utopia Or Dystopia

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