Communicable Disease -

Communicable Disease - think, you

Cite This Article. Four persons with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection had traveled on the same flight from Boston, Massachusetts, USA, to Hong Kong, China. Their virus genetic sequences are identical, unique, and belong to a clade not previously identified in Hong Kong, which strongly suggests that the virus can be transmitted during air travel. Some countries quarantine arriving passengers. Airports are also screening passenger body temperatures before boarding and after arrival. Recent investigations have shown that SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted before symptom onset, posing a challenge to outbreak control 2. Although risks for SARS-CoV-2 transmission have been extensively investigated, in-flight transmission of the virus has not been formally confirmed. Communicable Disease Communicable Disease

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Delivering translational research-driven risk-based solutions and training applications to address animal diseases through a One Health systems approach. As a collaborating center, IIAD provides its expertise internationally to support and implement animal health initiatives, provide scientific and technical Communicable Disease, and conduct scientific research focused on global animal health.

Communicable Disease

Featured Projects, Tools and Educational Opportunities. Laboratory collaboration project breaks down traditional communication barriers Read More.

Communicable Disease

IIAD News. September 7, November 16, Read More.]

Communicable Disease

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