Blood Diamonds Essay -

Blood Diamonds Essay

Blood Diamonds Essay - rare good

Blood Diamond shows shifting alliances among the companies seeking diamonds, rebels seeking guns, mercenaries seeking money, and innocent civilians caught in the middle. Explain how this can be considered a transnational criminal enterprise and conspiracy. Based on what you have learned, did your perception of the diamond change? Is it still as valuable? Minimum words. We provide unlimited free revisions to all customers and on all papers. Blood Diamonds Essay.

At all times, gemstones have preserved the appeal for humans because of their rarity.

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In the ancient times, they were thought to possess magical, mystical powers. Today, they attract people with their beauty, the joy from the admiration of the Blood Diamonds Essay transparency of the crystals and the splendor of their colors.

However, their production may hide dangers for not only nature but also for people. Therefore, people should stop buying diamonds, the demand for which leads to the negative impacts on humans and the environment. It is not easy to mine the diamonds, and their formation takes millions of years. The production of diamonds takes Blood Diamonds Essay all over the world, but the largest production centers are located in Russia and South Africa.

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In these countries, there are the Bolod deposits. Diamonds are commercially mined in quarries. The explosives are used for their production. The rock, which is extracted after the explosion, is loaded on a truck and transported to a special factory, where the diamonds can be further extracted. When the Blood Diamonds Essay reaches a certain depth, diamond reserves become depleted.

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However, in nature, the reserves of diamonds are exhaustible. The vivid examples are some countries, such as India, where diamonds are not extracted.

Blood Diamonds Essay

In the process of extraction of ore, the inflow of water from Esday aquifers increases. This water underground brine contains toxic elements hydrogen sulfideclick air swimming pool. To avoid environmental problems, the disposal of brine is carried out underground in a manner that affects the geological environment.

Blood Diamonds Essay

Now, the degree of contamination of rocks cannot be determined. At enriching rocks, industrial effluents are formed. After local clearing and sludge, they fall into reservoirs, where water does not meet safety standards. As a result, mechanical and chemical effects of soil in intensive diamond mining Blood Diamonds Essay are degraded, and they accumulate lead, zinc, nickel, chromium, arsenic and other trace elements.]

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