Artificial Intelligence And Patents -

Artificial Intelligence And Patents Artificial Intelligence And Patents. Artificial Intelligence And Patents

It has long been known that only human beings can be considered as inventors. With this regard, the patent laws of many countries, even when not explicitly state that the inventor must be human, have always been assumed that the inventors are human.

Artificial Intelligence’s Role in the Field of Intellectual Property

However, with the continuous development of Pattents Intelligence AI and its rapid advancements, artificial intelligence has been capable to invent! Back in August last yearan artificial intelligence expert, who is CEO of a company called Imagination Engines experts filed patents for two inventions. But, instead of listing a human author on the applications, the inventor was listed as Dabus, an AI system. Thaler spent over a decade building and developing. According to Dr. In traditional AI, human programmers attempt to create and develop AI by conveying human knowledge as a Artificial Intelligence And Patents of facts and rules that a machine can follow.


A machine expressly designed to imitate human thinking could conceive something novel and non-obvious, the fundamentals of the patentability requirements! DABUS has come up in fact with the innovations after being fed general data about many subjects. An AI system that imitates the neural patterns of the human mind to independently combine basic concepts into a complex outline that it can self-identify as the original.

Artificial Intelligence And Patents

What do patent laws state in various jurisdictions? Most IP offices took opposite stands on this issue and have stated that artificial intelligence AI systems or machines cannot be considered as the inventors of patentable inventions:. According to the European Patent Convention, the position of inventors is protected by granting various rights which are mentioned in the European patent applications. To exercise these rights, the inventor must have a legal personality that AI systems or machines do not enjoy. Moreover, as the applicant insisted in this case he was not the inventor, he must indicate on what legal basis he was applying for patent protection. The inventor is the first owner of a patent Artificial Intelligence And Patents the invention was made in the course of employment. In this case, the first owner can be the employer or the employee, depending on the jurisdiction. In this case, Dr. Thaler provided an assignment document which he had signed on Artificial Intelligence And Patents both of the assignor DABUS and the assignee himself.

The fact that the DABUS as the named inventor was not a person capable of signing a document, highlights the inherent difficulty with a patent application citing artificial intelligence as an inventor. Thaler with a notice requiring the application to be rectified to name an inventor correctly and has then refused a petition by Mr. Thaler for that notice to be set aside.

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Referring to the previous US case law, Artificial Intelligence And Patents that a "person" must be a "natural person" rather than a corporation or State entity. The rejection of the application in the USPTO was simply on the basis that "US patent law does not permit the machine to be named as the inventor in a patent application! The UK IPO took a similar approach and updated its examiner's manual in late to provide that "An 'AI Lehmkuhl Case Analysis is not welcome as this does not identify a person', which is required by law.

In the UK, the transfer of ownership of the invention from the inventor to the owner, "as the inventor itself cannot hold property" is not possible It is interesting to contrast the position in related to Here inventions with the law in the United Kingdom concerning copyright, which expressly protects computer-generated copyright works. The Patents Act in Australia refers to the inventor as a "person". However, section 15 of the Patents Act also provides that Artificial Intelligence And Patents patent may be granted to a person whether or not he or she is an Australian citizen".

Diffusion of AI Technology

This suggests that the inventor must be a natural person and have a nationality! Moreover, Australian courts have made it clear that AI-generated works will not be protected by copyright if there is an insufficient human authorial contribution. In Part One, Chapter 1. Section 4.]

Artificial Intelligence And Patents

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