Nuclear warfare sometimes atomic warfare or thermonuclear warfare is a military conflict or political strategy which deploys nuclear weaponry. Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction ; in contrast to conventional warfarenuclear warfare can produce destruction in a much shorter time and can have a long-lasting radiological result.
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A major nuclear exchange would have long-term effects, primarily from the fallout released, Confilct could also lead to a " nuclear winter " that could last for decades, centuries, or even millennia after the initial attack. So far, two nuclear weapons have been used in the course of warfareboth by click United States near the end of World War II.

On August 6,a uranium gun-type device code name " Little Boy " was detonated over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, on August 9, a plutonium implosion-type device code name " Fat Man " was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki.
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Together, these two bombings resulted in the Arizona Copper Strike Conflict Analysis of approximatelypeople. After World War II, nuclear weapons were also developed by the Soviet Unionthe United KingdomFranceand the People's Republic of Chinawhich contributed to the state of conflict and extreme tension that became known as the Cold War. InIndiaand inPakistantwo countries that were openly hostile toward each other, developed nuclear weapons. Israel s and North Korea are also thought to have developed stocks of nuclear weapons, though it is not known how many. The Israeli government has never admitted nor denied having nuclear weapons, although it is known to have constructed the reactor and reprocessing plant necessary for building nuclear weapons.
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After the collapse of the Soviet Union in and the resultant end of the Cold War, the threat of a major nuclear war between the two nuclear superpowers was generally thought to have declined. The possibility of using nuclear weapons in war is usually divided into two subgroups, each with different effects and potentially fought with different types of nuclear armaments. The first, a limited nuclear war [15] sometimes attack or exchangerefers to a small-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more belligerents.
A "limited nuclear war" could include targeting military facilities—either as an attempt Arizona Copper Strike Conflict Analysis pre-emptively cripple the enemy's ability to attack as a defensive measure, or as a prelude to an invasion by conventional forces, as an offensive measure.

This term could apply to any small-scale use of nuclear weapons that may involve military or civilian targets or both. The second, a full-scale nuclear warcould consist of large numbers of nuclear weapons used in an attack aimed at an entire country, including military, economic, and civilian targets. Such an attack would almost certainly destroy the entire economic, social, and military infrastructure of the target nation, and would probably have a devastating effect Analsyis Earth's biosphere. Some Cold War strategists such as Henry Kissinger [17] argued that a limited nuclear war could be possible between two heavily Arizona Copper Strike Conflict Analysis superpowers such as the United States and the Soviet Union.
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Some predict, however, that a limited war could potentially " escalate " into a full-scale nuclear war. Others [ who? Even the most optimistic predictions [ by whom? More pessimistic predictions argue that a full-scale nuclear war could potentially bring about the extinction of the human raceor at least its near extinction, with only a relatively small number of survivors mainly in remote areas and a reduced quality of life and life expectancy for centuries afterward.

However, such predictions, assuming total war with nuclear arsenals at Cold War highs, have not been without criticism. A study presented at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December asserted that even a small-scale regional nuclear war could produce as many direct fatalities as all of Strile War II and disrupt the global climate for a decade or more. In a regional nuclear conflict scenario in which two opposing nations in the subtropics each used 50 Hiroshima-sized nuclear weapons c.]
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