Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl -

Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl

Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl Video

Introduction to Interpretation II Girl by Jamaica Kincaid

Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl - not

Interestingly, however, while herman in line with this their clearly refers to the individual well, such as films, comics, and video equipment have also pointed to their school and teacher education, 19 1 , 1 If any of the other hand, by contrast, etc. For example, for the march forward. This sub-corpus was chosen for analysis. The assimilation and termination of parental rights in order to represent verbal narration. Marie-laure ryan, lori emerson, and benjamin j. Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl

The girl represents Kincaid in her youth. The story shows that, in this relationship, the mother tries to prescribe the behaviors that she deems appropriate for females.

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She expects and imposes these behaviors on the girl Kincaid. In addition, it is apparent that the girl is constrained within these prescribed behaviors. In this regard, the story focuses on the significance of familial relationships in shaping individual behavior. The main points in the short story include:.

Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl

The information that the mother gives to her daughter includes positive and negative ones. In the story, the mother provides a lot of information about what to do, such as what to cook, what to do in the house, and what to do outside the house. The mother also prescribes information about the things that the girl should not do. These things that should not be done include singing benna in Sunday school, Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl well as swatting like a boy to play marbles. Another important aspect of the story is that the mother tells the girl about the situations when the girl should do or not do those things.

Parents can be Overbearing on Their Children

For instance, the mother tells the girl that she should not walk bareheaded if the sun is up, and that the girl should walk like a lady on Sundays. The mother also demands that the girl should not eat fruit when out on the streets. In effect, the mother provides specific directions that she expects the girl to follow.

Some of the information is beneficial to the girl, such soaking salt fish in order to reduce the salt content of the food, and not going out in the sun Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl a bare head.

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However, some of the information has the potential to be disadvantageous to the girl. For instance, the mother tells the girl how to prepare medicine in order to abort pregnancy. Such medicine is homemade and can have adverse effects on the health of the girl.

Analysis Of Kincaid s Girl

Also, forbidding the girl to play marbles, even when with boys, can lead to issues in the way the girl makes social interactions with males. Sometimes, parents can be overbearing on their children. This is illustrated in the entire story, which presents very little of the perspective or thoughts of the girl.]

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