His books have received enthusiastic responses from millions of children all around the world. Earlier this year, a new film version of the BFG, directed by Steven Spielberg, was released to rave reviews — giving another generation the chance to fall in love with the author for the first time, and existing fans the opportunity to fall in love all over again. For some he was a war hero, a philanthropist and a profoundly altruistic man. For others he was a bully, a misogynist, and even an anti-Semite. His life story as well as his writings evoke compliments, controversy and contradictory responses from both critics and readers. This is not an autobiography. Boy and his other autobiographical-type book, Going Solobecame two of his most successful self-publicising projects, which recorded his own fascinating childhood memories and action-packed wartime experiences.
The stories of his warm family, his rustic summer holidays in Norway and his chocolate testing reveal how happy a child Dahl was — though he grew up without a father, who died when he was only four. But from Patricia Neal, the American actress who was married to Dahl for 30 years, quite a different picture of the man is portrayed.
In her autobiography As I AmAn Analysis Of Roald Dahl s The four years after her divorce from Dahl inshe exposed her true feelings towards her ex-husband. Fantastic Mr Dahl?
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And even though some of his antics in his own life may have been questionable, Roaald the world of his stories, he could always make sure that happened. Already have an account? Log in here. Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more.

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