Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal -

Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal

affirmative action

Affirmative action refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to increase the representation of particular groups based on their gender, race, creed or nationality in areas in which they were excluded in the past such as education and employment. The nature of affirmative action policies varies from region to region and exists on a spectrum from a hard quota to merely targeting encouragement for increased participation. Some countries use a quota system, whereby a certain percentage of government jobs, political positions, and school vacancies must be reserved for members of a certain group; Acfion example of this is the reservation system in India.

In some other regions where Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal are not used, minoritized group members are given preference or special consideration in selection processes. In the United States, affirmative action in employment and education has been the subject of legal and political controversy. Bollingerheld that the University of Michigan Law School could consider race as a plus-factor when evaluating applicants holistically and maintained the prohibition on the use of quotas. Affirmatjve

Affirmative Action

In the United Kingdom, hiring someone simply because of their protected group status, without regard to their performance, is illegal. The controlling logic is that Affirmativve person must not be chosen simply because of their group membership, but rather that the relevant authorities are allowed to use disadvantaged group status as a "tie-breaker" between two candidates of otherwise equal merit. An alternative approach common Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal the United Kingdom is described as " positive action ", however. Under this approach, the focus tends to be on ensuring equal opportunity and, for example, targeted advertising campaigns to encourage ethnic minority candidates to join the police force.

This is often described as being "color blind", although the social viability of that concept is heavily contested in the United States.

Rejection of Prop 16 ran across party lines

Kennedy on 6 Marchwhich included a provision that government contractors "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated [fairly] during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin". InPresident Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order which required government employers to "hire without regard to race, religion and national origin" and Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal affirmative action to ensure read more applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Ingender was added to the anti-discrimination list. Affirmative action is intended to promote the opportunities of defined minority groups within a society to give them equal access to that of the majority population. It is often instituted Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal government and educational settings to ensure that certain designated groups within a society are able to participate in all provided opportunities including promotional, educational, and training opportunities. The stated justification for affirmative action by its proponents is to help compensate for past discrimination, persecution or exploitation by the ruling class of a culture, [19] and to address existing discrimination. Several different studies investigated the effect of affirmative action on women.

Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal

Kurtulus in her review of affirmative action and the occupational advancement of minorities and women during — showed that the effect of affirmative action on advancing black, Hispanic, and white women into management, professional, and technical occupations occurred primarily during the s and early s. During this period, contractors grew their shares of these groups more rapidly than non-contractors because of the implementation of affirmative action. But the positive effect of affirmative action vanished entirely in the late s, which Kurtulus says may be due to the slowdown into advanced occupation for women and minorities because of the political shift of Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal action that started by President Reagan.

Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal

Becoming a federal contractor increased white women's share of professional occupations by 0. Becoming a federal contractor also increased Hispanic women's and black men's share of technical occupations on average by 0. These Afdirmative a substantial contribution of affirmative action to overall trends in the occupational advancement of women and minorities over the three decades under the study.

Affirmative Action Is Not All Equal

Kim and Kim found that, "Affirmative action both corrects existing unfair treatment gives women equal opportunity in the future. Caste-based and other group-based quotas are used in the reservation system. In Sweden, the Supreme Court has ruled Affirmattive "affirmative action" ethnic quotas in universities are discrimination and hence unlawful. It said that the requirements for the intake should be the same for all. The justice minister said that the decision left no room for uncertainty.]

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