World War I A Devastating Clash Between -

World War I A Devastating Clash Between Video

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The Taiping RebellionWoorld is also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping Revolutionwas a massive rebellion or civil war that was waged in China from to between the established Qing dynasty and the theocratic Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. In one of the bloodiest civil wars in world history, the established Qing government won decisively, although it was weakened. The uprising was commanded by Hong Xiuquanthe self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ.

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Its goals were religious, nationalist, and political in nature; they sought the conversion of the Chinese people to the Taiping's syncretic version of Christianity. They also sought to overthrow of the ruling Manchu Dynasty and a transformation of the state. For more than a decade, the Taiping occupied and fought across much of the mid and lower Yangtze valley. Ultimately devolving into total war.

World War I A Devastating Clash Between

It was the largest in China since the Qing conquest in and it involved every province of China proper except Gansu. It ranks as one of the bloodiest wars in human history, the bloodiest civil war and the largest conflict of the 19th century. Estimates of the war dead range from 20 to 30 million, with a recent Chinese study estimating up to 70 million dead.

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In terms of deaths the civil war is comparable to World War I. Weakened severely by an attempted coup the Tianjing incident and the failure of the siege of Beijingthe Taipings were defeated by decentralized, irregular armies such as the Xiang Army commanded by Zeng Guofan.

World War I A Devastating Clash Between

The terms Wwr writers use for the conflict and its participants often represent their different opinions. In modern Chinese, the war is often referred to as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, due to the fact that the Taiping espoused a doctrine which was both nationalist and communistand the Taiping represented a popular ideology which was based on either Han nationalism or protocommunist values.

The scholar Jian Youwen is among those who refer to the rebellion as the "Taiping Revolutionary Movement" on the grounds that it worked towards a complete change in the political and social system, rather than working towards the replacement of one dynasty with another.

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Instead, they argue that the conflict should be called a " civil war. In English, the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace has often been shortened to simply the Taipings, from the word "Peace" in the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace, but it was never a term that either the Taipings or their enemies used to refer to them. Qing-dynasty China during the early to midth century suffered a series of natural disasters, economic problems and defeats, in particular the humiliating defeat in by Great Britain in the First Opium War.

Meanwhile, the population of China had increased rapidly, nearly doubling between andwhile the amount of cultivated land was stable.

World War I A Devastating Clash Between

Meanwhile, Christianity was beginning to make link in China. In Hong Xiuquana Hakka from a poor village in Guangdongonce again failed the imperial examinationfrustrating his ambition to become a scholar-official in the civil service. Soon after Hong began preaching across Guangxi inhis follower Feng Yunshan founded the God Worshipping Societya movement which followed Hong's fusion of Christianity, DaoismConfucianism and indigenous millenarianismwhich Hong presented as a restoration of the ancient Chinese faith in Shangdi.]

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