Pity, that: Will Coffee Effect The Growth Of A
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I love coffee but people tell me that it stunts your growth.

Is that true? No, coffee doesn't stunt a person's growth. How tall you are mostly depends on your genes. Good nutrition is also important to reach your maximum height potential.

But coffee does contain caffeine. For most people, a cup or two of coffee a day doesn't do any harm.

But if you're drinking more — especially if you're also getting caffeine from other sources, like soda or energy drinks — you may want to cut back. That's because high doses of caffeine can cause restlessness, anxietydizziness, headachesand insomnia.
How does coffee stunt your growth through calcium absorption
Caffeine can cause problems for people who have heart problems or are taking some kinds of Efect. It's best to ask your doctor if you should stop or cut back on drinking coffee. If you decide to, do so gradually. Stopping suddenly can cause unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, irritability, and tiredness.
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